Mastering Windows Command-Line Tools and OS Features

Javier Cortez
3 min readOct 30, 2023

In today's digital age, cyber security and IT professionals need to be well-versed in the tools and features of Microsoft’s Windows operating system. Whether you're fortifying your digital defenses or navigating through directories of a hacked system, having a strong command of these tools is essential. In this article, we'll explore some fundamental Microsoft command-line tools and Windows 10/11 features.

1. Navigating the File System with Command-Line Tools

One of the most basic but crucial skills for cyber security and IT professionals is file system navigation. Here are some essential Microsoft command-line tools and techniques:

  • cd - Use this command to change directories, allowing you to move between folders and drives.
  • dir - To list the contents of a directory, use the 'dir' command.
  • md - Create a new directory with 'md.'
  • rmdir - To remove a directory, 'rmdir' comes in handy.
  • Drive Navigation - You can switch between drives using drive navigation inputs like 'C:' or 'D:.'

With the above commands, you can effectively manage and explore the Windows file system, making it easier to find and manipulate files and directories.

2. Essential Command-Line Tools for IT Professionals

In the IT world, command-line tools are indispensable for performing tasks, diagnosing issues, and safeguarding systems. Here are some key tools that every IT and cybersecurity professional should be familiar with:

  • ipconfig - Retrieve network configuration information.
  • ping - Test network connectivity to a remote host.
  • hostname - Display the computer's hostname.
  • netstat - Show network statistics and active connections.
  • nslookup - Perform DNS queries and resolve hostnames.
  • chkdsk - Check and repair disk errors.
  • net user and net use - Manage user accounts and network connections.
  • tracert - Trace the route that packets take to reach a destination.
  • format - Format a disk or drive for use.
  • xcopy - Copy files and directories with advanced options.
  • copy - Copy files and folders.
  • robocopy - Robust file and directory copying tool.
  • gpupdate and gpresult - Update Group Policy settings and view the results.
  • shutdown - Shut down or restart the computer.
  • sfc - System File Checker for verifying and repairing system files.
  • [command name] /? - Get help for specific commands.
  • diskpart - Disk partitioning and management tool.
  • pathping - Network path and latency analysis tool.
  • winver - Check the Windows version and build information.

These command-line tools empower IT and cyber security professionals to detect, and respond to security incidents as network diagnostics and system maintenance are essential for create a secure environment.

3. Exploring Windows 10 Features

In addition to command-line tools, Windows 10/11 offers a number of features and tools that IT and cyber security professionals can leverage to safeguard their systems and data:

  • Task Manager - Monitor system performance, processes, services, and startup programs.
  • Microsoft Management Console (MMC) Snap-ins - Utilize various snap-ins like Event Viewer, Disk Management, Device Manager, Local Users and Groups, and Performance Monitor to manage and monitor system components.
  • Additional Tools - Access System Information, System Configuration, and the Registry Editor to gain insights into system settings and configurations.

By harnessing the power of these tools, IT and cybersecurity professionals can proactively protect their systems, detect potential security threats, and respond effectively to incidents.


Mastering Microsoft’s command-line tools and Windows 10/11 features is essential for both IT and cybersecurity professionals. These skills enable them to efficiently manage systems, diagnose issues, and harden digital defenses against cyber threats. Whether you’re focused on IT operations or cybersecurity defense, a strong command of these tools and features will help you excel in your role and enhance the security of your digital domain.



Javier Cortez

Hello, I'm Javi! I'm a front-end developer and aspiring cybersecurity researcher. I can build or break into your website, ethically of course. This is my blog.