Rebranding Inspiration
4 new rebrands to get your creative juices flowing
Hoist up the sails - it’s time to change course. As summer hits full steam, it seems many brands are plotting a course for new waters. Looking for inspiration? Below are 4 recent rebranding projects to help fill up your inspiration meter. So, let’s dive in...
Nickelodeon by Roger — LLB
“We love a brief that asks us to tap into our weirdo kid brains,” says Roger’s creative director Braden Wheeler. And we love what they’ve done with the rebrand for Nickelodeon. Fun, colorful, and imaginative whilst also being cohesive and controlled, they thread the line of considered wildness with skill.
Pelago by A Line — Transform Magazine
This huge rebrand of Quit Genuis, by A Line, went a step further than the usual rebrands by including a new name - Pelago. While this is usually a bad choice, here their aim to redefine and remove the stigma around addiction, gives the name change reason. The accompanying style, palette, and overall design further clarifys the company’s goal and intentions going forward.
WMH&I rebrands Inspire — Mediashotz
Post merger is usually a good time to consider a rebrand. Inspire’s merger with 15 billion providing the backdrop here. WMH&I’s pro-bono work hinges around an open door theme, which works especially well on video accompanied by subtle rotoscoping.
Cobra beer — Labels & Labelling
Cobra beer’s visual rebrand, involves a package design and inconography that leans further into their status a classic accompanyment to spicy food. With a blend of an urban graffiti style and the diversity of spicy dishes it can pair with, all that’s left is to decide where you put their new look on the Scoville Scale?
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