Abraham Tested | Genesis 21–25 | Day 5 of 238

KnowYourBible Community
3 min readJan 13, 2020


Don’t think for a moment, ‘God was tempting Abraham’. No. That’ll be wrong. God doesn’t tempt man to evil or with evil (James 1:13). God can prove you, however, as He did Abraham in Genesis 22. When God tests (proves) you, He expects you to exercise (to stretch) your faith and win. At times it’s not even God testing you but life itself. And God expects you to come out on top in every situation because He has built you that way. In Christ, we are indomitable (2 Corinthians 4:17–18).

So, Abraham exercised his faith and he won. He had faith that God would provide for Himself His own sacrifice. And God did.
Did God let Abraham kill his only son Isaac? Emphatically, no.
God stopped him and blessed him for passing the test.

LESSON: Faith is the response of the Spirit to the Word of God. Your faith is for responding. It’s for action, for doing. Exercise your faith. For example, if the Spirit of God inspires you to give an exact amount of money for the furtherance of the gospel of Christ around the world. Do it! Don’t act like you didn’t hear the Spirit. The more you respond to Him, the more He’ll tell you. And one word from God can change your life forever.

Greetings great people of God. Today we’ll review something I found interesting in DAY 4’s read. As I read the verse in the picture above (Genesis 17:5,15) the glory of God increased in my room, the Holy Spirit started revealing to me what you’re about to read (He asked me to tell you).

By words!

By words God settled Abraham for eternity and changed his name to correspond to his present ‘being state’: “No longer will you be called Abram (exalted/assumed father); your name will be Abraham (father of many nations), for I have made you a father of many nations” (Genesis 17:5 NIV).

Your name is a confession of your ‘being state’. Understand this; the name you answer is deeper than just your life — it transcends the physical. It determines the state of your being (ie. Your being state). Your being is not your physical body, make no mistake about it; your being is your Spiritual manifestation (your Spirit).

I believe now you understand the power of your name on your being. Answer a name that has a scriptural meaning. If your name is native-tongued to a language, find out its meaning in that language, don’t just assume, especially the name you are frequently called. This is vital.

If the name you answer isn’t in line with the gospel of Jesus Christ, change it, especially if you are a Christian. You have to realise the power of words. God’s Word, in it’s minutest detail, is the source code of the universe and life itself. Our words have energy. Therefore, when people call your name, you want them to confess the Word of God upon you, while you affirm it when you answer the call.

He that hath ears let him hear.

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