Pharoah’s Dreams | Genesis 41–45 | Day 9 of 238

KnowYourBible Community
3 min readJan 24, 2020


In his dream, Pharoah encountered a problem that only Joseph, in all the world, could solve (Gen 41:57). I think that’s fascinating. Think about it: In all the world! God put a puzzle in Pharoah’s mind that only Joseph could unravel. This was what liberated Joseph from the dungeon, his light shun forth. Hallelujah!

LESSON: We are problem solvers & solution bringers, just like Joseph. Our Man of God, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome PhD., admonished us saying; We are Lights. Taking the definition of Light from the scriptures: Light is “…that which makes manifest” (Eph 5:13). We discern problems where men overlook them, we manifest solutions where men misunderstand them. Pastor Chris further went on to tell us, “We are Lights for illumination, leadership, empowerment, & signs and seasons.” As we illuminate, we produce clarity, refinement, innovation, and sound judgement. Glory to God!

God put the dream in Pharoah’s head, to show forth His glory and praise in Joseph. God always likes to make the difference between the world and His Children clear — the Bible says, He chose us to show forth His praise (Isa 43:21 & 1 Pt 2:9). I believe God still does the same today. There are strategic problems placed in your society, your community, your family that are yours to solve. What are you doing about them?

Someone said, “But there are too many places to begin, problems to solve, where do I start from?” Start from where you are. Joseph began in prison. You have no excuses.

Shine, shine, shine your light, let the whole world see and marvel. You were called to show forth His praise!

“…it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you.” I pondered over this particular verse over and over. Picture Joseph: having left his father’s house at the age of 17 (Gen 37:2), enslaved for 13yrs (Gen 41:46), leads as the Prime Minister for 9yrs; all before he met his brothers and father (22yrs in total).

All through the scriptures, we find that God gave greater responsibility to people He trusted the most.

God entrusted Joseph, with the future of Isreal. Joseph said to his brothers, “…God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance” (Gen 45:7 NIV). His brothers were terrified when they learnt, Joseph was still alive and standing before them, the Bible makes us understand; they had steeled their hearts when selling Joseph to the Midianites (Gen 37:28, 29), but they could not forget the fervent pleading and terror-filled voice of the teenager dragged away as a slave from home (Gen 42:21).

Nevertheless, Joseph, despite his sufferings and challenges understood God’s Will and purpose for him. Consoling his brothers, he said to them, “…it was not you who sent me here, but God…” (Gen 45:8 NIV).

Seventeen-year-old Joseph was entrusted with the future of Isreal, he wasn’t in Egypt for himself; God sent him AHEAD of Isreal.

I found that Joseph wasn’t just any average teenager, no, this guy knew the heart of God even as a teenager. He faced a lot of challenges & temptations in Egypt and came out untouched, fulfilling the Will of God.

When I studied this, I marvelled and I asked God, ‘Can you trust me like this?’ ‘Do you trust me like this?’ And to both questions, He answered, “Yes.” He said, “Because you are my Word, I have sent you to preserve my Kingdom on the Earth.”

Brothers and Sisters, we are here on a mission, we are not here for ourselves, just like Joseph, GOD HAS SENT US AHEAD of the world. We are to fulfil His Will on Earth.

Understand this: God trusts you.

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