Knoxlabs Teams Up With Absolut Reality & Bob Moses

Published in
1 min readJul 24, 2015

The potential of virtual reality is infinite. Thus far we’ve seen video games, flight simulations, VR films, and now you can experience your favorite musicians live, as if you were sitting in the front row right there in the theater.

On July 31st, Absolut Reality will broadcast a unique 360° VR live stream of an intimate set by Bob Moses. Knoxlabs is also a part of this initiative, and thus Absolut decided to give away 5,000 limited edition Bob Moses cardboard headsets, so that more of you could enjoy the experience. We launched the signup page earlier this week, and were amazed to find that the product sold out within hours!

It’s been a thrill designing new and innovative versions of Cardboard, and it makes us so happy to see that our products and vision are being put to good use. Especially when it comes to entertainment, we think that VR is going to make a big difference in how we enjoy experiences that once required the audience and the performer to be in the same space.

Absolut Reality’s Bob Moses special is just the beginning to a new era of virtual entertainment and other experiences that we cannot even begin to imagine.

