Alain Couniot, dr ir
Alain Couniot, dr ir

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Generative AI

31 stories

how to reduce LLM hallucinations
Alain Couniot, dr ir

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Web Development

25 stories

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Alain Couniot, dr ir


42 stories

A side-view of the Skye electric sports-like vehicle.
A Segway Cube 2000 on full display
Alain Couniot, dr ir

Alain Couniot, dr ir


534 stories

munch as in nom
Send Server Time, with Dall-e
Alain Couniot, dr ir

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Energy Sources

7 stories

IMAGE: An illustration representing hydrogen’s role in clean energy and sustainability as a scam by big oil companies
Alain Couniot, dr ir

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Programming Languages

17 stories

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Machine Learning

37 stories

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Large Language Models

16 stories

Scorecard. Still Terrible: Box Folding, Abstract Map Navigation, Drawing diagrams. Improving: Stacking objects, Real Map Navigation, Venn Diagrams, Spatial Reasoning in Photos.
Alain Couniot, dr ir

Alain Couniot, dr ir


95 stories

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Software Development

59 stories

Send Server Time, with Dall-e
Alain Couniot, dr ir

Alain Couniot, dr ir


18 stories

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Operating Systems

1 story

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Artificial Intelligence

74 stories

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Alain Couniot, dr ir


6 stories

Two paths
Alain Couniot, dr ir

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Societal Topics

5 stories

IMAGE: An illustration representing the progress of decarbonization, highlighting the transition from high carbon emissions to a cleaner, greener future
Alain Couniot, dr ir

Alain Couniot, dr ir


6 stories

IMAGE: A first aid kit on white with a red cross on top
Alain Couniot, dr ir

Alain Couniot, dr ir


9 stories

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Image and Video Processing

6 stories

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Alain Couniot, dr ir

SBC - Single-Board Computers

2 stories

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Alain Couniot, dr ir


32 stories

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Alain Couniot, dr ir

Civil electromechanical engineer, with a PhD in Comp. Flud Dynamics (Polymer flows, low Reynolds number). 30+ years in IT. Enterprise Architect by trade