Feng Shui — The Basement info

3 min readOct 1, 2019


Your basement, for those who have one, might hold a myriad of feng shui secrets. And that’s because everything within your feet resonates using your past. So you might say, it really is what it’s, or, it really is just what it may be, and yes it cannot be changed. However, what really matters is when you are feeling about it, and the way your memories affect your overall mind-set. So now it really is, organize your past and happily proceed in the present and also the future. What if we posess zero basement as many of us don’t in Florida? In that case your storage pod, or closet, or shed, or whatever you use to help keep your hidden treasures, is your next target for a thorough feng shui assessment.
Each one of these pods and stashes symbolize your past along with your unconscious mind as Karen Kingston highlights in “Clear Your Clutter With Feng Shui.” A cluttered basement, she says, “symbolizes issues in the past not dealt with.” Oh and, she asks “is your heaviest junk inside the basement? And how long has it had the experience?”
Now that you know what’s threatened, let’s make your script for organizing your neglected junk thereby clear the journey to return.
• Be sure that the door to your stash opens fully and.
• If your door squeaks and creaks, oil the hinges.
• In the event the lock is rusted, put it back with a new one.
• Haul everything out.
• Clear spider webs and mud and clean the area.
• Spray with a 50/50 vinegar water solution. Spiders detest vinegar.

• If your air is musty and damp, put in a dehumidifier and empty it regularly.
• Consider the bagua when you go through all that you cannot do without.
• Financial files and tax records that has to be put seven years may into the wealth corner, designated as wealth accumulation.
• Luggage, for simple access, might be right in front, about the right, from the travel-related sector from the bagua.
• Academic records or old text books is going to the wisdom/knowledge area.
• For preservation of important treasures, plastic storage bins would be best. They come in all sizes and so are easily stackable.
• Label bins and boxes, clearly marking contents and dates.
• Be sure there’s adequate light, otherwise, plunge to a brighter bulb.
• Try and have a very clear area within the very front, the bright hall in feng shui, where beneficial qi can accumulate and bring all the best ..
Being that they are usually underground, basements resonate with all the earth element. As well as in significant correlation, find that people with strong earth in their element profile will often be pack rats or collectors. Thus, to counteract a feeling of being stuck during the past, fire or wood can be included with create rising energy. Your storage boxes, by way of example, may be red or green.
If it’s all done and arranged with easy flip open access and visibility, some surprising insights might surface that could simply be dealt with with hindsight and adequate distance. On reflection, you may have a better idea of your individual background the method that you reach your current position in everyday life. And, perhaps you’ll discover simply how much there is to be proud of and just what all you have accomplished.
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