Qomtum Qomputing L1 (a call)

Kodai Bear
4 min readApr 18, 2022


Man requires meaning in order to unlock his greatest possibilities. To just wake up and not have dreams of “something better” is a decent into madness to be sure.

To dream of mediocre or intangible things is nearly as bad. In blockchain, Ryoshi taught us that it is a microcosm of life. A place which not unlike a MMORPG where we can establish our “worth” and in this case receive tangible rewards in the form of a life upgrade/escape.

Memes are the secret to existence as Dogod stated, they are a banner, a nation a rallying call to enact tribalism. Then within this tribe, we build roads, schools and electrical grids to propagate the tribe.

This was the secret of Shiba, people thought it was a joke because it was just people coming together rallying around a flag of a nation. But soon the industry realized that eyeballs are eyeballs as it formed it’s own religion. Enough about Shiba because what made Shiba great is waning at the moment and that energy has shifted to QOM.

I have been studying where the gap is in the market and where QOM can make a difference and while this was my original intention with QOM,it took a little time to solidify the need (in Kodai mind at least)

Let’s take a birds eyes (haha) view of the current state of blockchain and decentralization.

1- BTC — I would more or less call this a decentralized project and it is a good project. However it only does one thing (and it does it well)

2 — ETH — I would call this pseudo decentralized with the right intentions. My definition of decentralized is what happens if you put one guy in a room and force him to do anything that he can do .. does it tank things?… With ETH, we really aren’t sure, but regardless they have good intention and fight the good fight. Still the problem is its a little slow and expensive

3 — SOL,LUNA, CARDANO, MATIC etc.. . all centralized well funded teams with a charismatic leader larping as decentralized projects. All should just incorporate as database centers and just embrace their best life.

4 — Shibarium — We will see. . (eth L2 based)

So. . . this shows me the total gap in the system. Eth is good, but ETH is slow and expensive, an L2 is maybe a good idea, but you are still dependent on the pseudo decentralized vitalik/lubin tangle.

The other L1s, are more or less centralized pretending to be decentralized. Their tech is centralized, their bags are centralized, their development is centralized, their incentives are centralized.

What if. . .

there was a call to make a new L1 that came together as a full force qommunity project. This is what Kodai proposes:

We make a War Party, invite in devs and associates who want to contribute and we will check each other and guide the conversation.

We shall develop

1- Qomtum Qomputing L1 — my best estimate this should be developed off of Cosmos (same tech as LUNA)

2-Gravity Bridge to allow seamless transition of Eth based QOM into Qomtum computer QOM.

QOM will be the gas token and initial emissions will be donated by whales in order to incentive the validators until the rewards from tx come to speed

That is it in a nutshell. I know the tech is established, we don’t need to reinvent the wheel here and with the right people we can get this built an deployed fairly quickly.

a few things

a- I am not your do kwon. I will guide the group, defend against fear and scams, but it is not Kodai project. This is actually a qommunity call and endeavor. If nobody responds, it won’t be built. After it’s built it will be up to the qommunity to continue and maintain. At somepoint I won’t matter and be forgotten and just be another guy in the chat. read that again.

b- there is incentive here for participants who want to build something, have meaning. Scammers don’t bother coming, because all work will be peer reviewed and audited. Salesmen trying to sell their L1 dev chopshops don’t bother, nobody is going to pay you and if someone does want to pay we will bring the devs into our War Party to help in a decentralized manner.

If you read this and want to get involved, dm me on TG and i will put you in the War Party

Love, Kodai

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