The Absence of Women in Stem

Kodi Watkins
9 min readMay 13, 2018

Kodi Watkins

The Absence of Women in Stem

Every year humanity leaps another step forward in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Collectively known as STEM, these four areas of study are making the biggest advances in our world today. Solving things like global warming, biomedical breakthroughs and technological advances, these four areas of study are changing the world we live in today. With half the population being female, it is safe to say the female perspective plays an important role in our society. However, in today’s world, STEM careers remain mainly a boy’s club. Men dominate the fields of STEM and this creates a problem for our society. It is important that women grow in STEM career fields because women bring something to the table that men cannot, and that is a woman’s perspective. Understanding the size of the lack of women in STEM careers, what changes are being made, and why a woman’s perspective is important in STEM will give a deeper understanding of why it is important for women to grow in STEM careers.

The Few

It is important to remember, getting a STEM related career is no easy feat, and graduating with a STEM related degree isn’t something most students plan in one night. Because this is such an important decision, STEM education plays a big role in the success of ones STEM career. Understanding the educational choices of both women and men can give us a better understanding as to why there are significantly fewer women than men in STEM careers. First…

