7 Easy Tips for Making Iced Coffee Drinks at Home

Koffee Express
3 min readJul 12, 2019

It’s summer, a great cup of coffee is the perfect way to start any and every day. A few mornings I essentially don’t need hot coffee… I need it cold! Summer will be here before we know it, and we as a whole need a definitive simple Iced Coffee Recipe to keep ourselves lively, alert, and productive.

Once you’ve mastered that, you might think yourself, “presently what?” If you’re trying to up the ante on your cold brewing, here are a few ideas that may help you get exactly the taste and flavor you want in your iced coffee.

Tweak your coffee to water ratio. Cold-brewed coffee needs a strong brew, especially when you’re going to be adding cream or milk. Recommended coffee to water ratios vary, but you can aim for somewhere in the 1:4 to 1:8, range. You can of course tweak this depending on your tastes and find what works for you.

Use thermal shock resistant glass. A few people like to enable the coffee to cool before including ice since they fear breaking their glass when pouring hot coffee over the ice.. This can be avoided by using glasses/mugs designed to handle thermal shock

Use a liquid sugar sweetener or Sugar Substitute When making iced coffee from hot coffee you’ll want to use a sweetener that dissolves easily in cold liquid. Sugar Substitute can be used to sweeten hot or cold drinks and add unique flavor in baking and marinades. A simple way to do that is to mix up some “sugar water” by dissolving sugar into boiling water, just keep the ratio equal. For example 1/4 cup sugar into 1/4 cup of boiling water. Let that cool and store it in the fridge until you need it.

Use a medium to dark roast coffee Using a medium to dark roast will give you an iced coffee with a rich flavor. Switch up your beans! Most cold brew coffee recipes will have you go for a medium to darker roast. But play around with different roasts like light, medium, dark and coffees to see which one you like best; a lighter roast might be more to your taste. Keep track of what you’re brewing so you can remember which one your favorite was. Colombian coffee beans are my favorite, and the full-bodied flavor and aroma of this great blend of coffees from around the world have pleased customers for many years.

Get a good grind Just like with a good hot coffee, for a good cold brew coffee, you want an even grind and that means a coffee grinder. You want to grind coffee for your cold brew fairly coarse, but you can play around with it to get the exact taste you want. Note that using too fine of a ground will lead to a more bitter, sour tasting cold brew.

Brew up some coffee and make coffee ice-cubes. By using coffee ice-cubes you won’t dilute your iced coffee as much. You could also make ice cubes out of milk or your favorite creamer. It’s probably best to transfer the ice-cubes to a freezer safe Ziploc bag as soon as their frozen so they don’t take on any weird flavors floating around in your freezer.

Filter your cold brew A good cold brew should be dark and silky smooth. If you’re using the French press method, you can filter your cold brew an additional time by pouring through a coffee filter to ensure you get all the sediment of coffee grounds out.



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