What If The Food Was Distributed For The Price Of A Can Of Coca? (english version)

Charles Quenum
2 min readDec 5, 2018


On average, a school throws away 44 kilos of food per meal. A figure that is enormous if we take it back to all the schools in France, in fact it is equivalent to 2,830 tons per day!

Did you know that according to the Secours Populaire 1 out of 5 French people do not have enough to eat? Do you see what I’m getting at? With a simple calculation, we can imagine redistributing this wasted resource at a reasonable price. That is about 5,660,000 meals. So, I grant you school food, has never made you dream, but for serious situations we can very well imagine this solution implemented. Moreover, this case only illustrates school canteens, imagined if we take it back to hospitals, company canteens, producers… ?

I often hear people say to me, but you can imagine if everyone did that there would be no more economy. This assumption is wrong, because the resources saved on the one hand will not disappear, they will be used for other equally useful things, such as improving food quality, infrastructure, or any other area.

We cannot say that we can revalue at 100% the food that would be thrown away, because part of it has been started, but that is why we can very well imagine for many other profiles, or type of group less inclined to feed on products already started. For example, there are 12.7 million cats and 7.3 million dogs in France…

The same can be imagined for this area, in order to reduce the abandonment rate of animals, with economic factors being the second reason given (13.2% of cases) If we take the case of cats on average we need 100gr per day of food. From a simple calculation we can say that we can easily feed more than twice the number of cats present in France completely free of charge.

The solution is not as simple as that, we should take into account the feeding habits of the cats, propose adapted solutions, but this example illustrates the aberration of a system that can be made more efficient.

Which solutions do you recommend to revalue these foods before they go to the waste disposal centre? Should we necessarily give free food or should we give at a fair price in order not to give food to a hungry person, but rather teach him to sin as the saying goes?



Charles Quenum

CEO & Co-founder foodhy.co 😋 a marketplace for self food entreprenor to build restaurant only delivery.— study at The Family