The “Koi Fish” Waterfall Legend

3 min readJun 5, 2023


$KOI, the crypto token, draws inspiration from the legendary Koi Fish a path of strength, stability, and growth.

By implementing a 0% sell and buy tax and a liquidity lock-up, KOI’s tokenomics reflect its commitment to creating a sustainable investment opportunity.

With $KOI, investors can tap into the immense power of the blockchain world, aligning their investments with a symbol of strength and prosperity. Koi fish have intrigued and inspired for centuries. They are rich with symbolic significance especially in Chinese and Japanese culture and history.


Sometimes called “living jewels”, the koi fish has become a famous symbol of beauty, love, and prosperity throughout the world.

$KOI is associated with strength and perseverance in many legends, one in which we’ve included below.


Legend says that long ago, there was an abundance of golden koi fish in the Yellow River in China. They made their way upstream, going against the current, building strength and perseverance. Their golden hue made the river shimmer as if it was a river of gold.

Halfway upstream, they came to a large waterfall, an impossible height that is too high to traverse. This waterfall is known as the “Dragon’s Gate” in Hunan province. Most of the koi turned back, going with the current to safer ground. However, some koi stayed and attempted to jump and surpass the waterfall. Some of them got halfway, but then pummelled back downstream after they’ve lost momentum and energy.

The spirits of the river watched the koi try over and over again, making fun of them as they found it amusing.

This went on for one hundred years, the group of koi continued to try and swim up the waterfall but always stopped at exactly that waterfall. At each attempt the koi made it slightly further, gaining technique and strength as they practiced that waterfall.

The spirits continued to make fun of the koi, knowing that it’s such an impossible feat to make it past the waterfall.

One koi tried a different strategy. It went down to the bottom of the river, built up as much speed as it could, and leaped out of the water. It swam as hard as it could up the walls. Somehow, it reached the top of the waterfall, and continued to swim upstream.

The spirits were silenced watching that scene — how the koi succeeded in the impossible. Knowing the multiple attempts that the koi have tried over the years,

The spirits transformed the koi into a golden dragon as a reward for its achievement. In the Chinese culture, a golden dragon is the ultimate symbol of power and strength.

That is also how the waterfall is known to be Dragon’s Gate — through this popular legend.

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