How to manage your Subscription Plan on Koinfox?

2 min readJul 1, 2020


This July onwards, your favourite trading platform, Koinfox is going Premium. A lot of our supporters were waiting, when they will be able to start using KFTs they earned as part of their initial support to the platform.

While there are lot of exciting features on the platform, we do understand that not every feature is relevant to everyone. Therefore, we have created multiple plans to suit the needs to different types and categories of users on Koinfox platform. One can easily change their subscription plans applicable to their accounts from the next subscription cycle.

Below are 5 simple steps to manage your subscription plans

  1. Login to your account on

2. Click on your email ID on the top right corner.

3. Click on My Profile.

4. View the Current applied subscription Plan. And explore other available plans with link “See all Plans”

5. Choose the applicable subscription plan. Selected subscription plan will be saved automatically on selection.

Learn more about our Subscription Plans here




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