Enabling efficient front-end development

The role of web infrastructure engineering teams

Konstantin Tarkus
4 min readJul 17, 2023
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash


In today’s digital landscape, the importance of robust web infrastructure cannot be overstated. Large companies like Facebook have realized this and established dedicated web infrastructure engineering teams to support their front-end developers. However, for small startups, the cost of maintaining such a team might be prohibitive. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of having a web infrastructure engineering team and discuss an alternative approach for startups that allows them to focus on application code while ensuring a reliable and up-to-date web infrastructure.

The value of a dedicated web infrastructure engineering team

Large companies invest in web infrastructure engineering teams for several reasons. These teams act as a bridge between development and operations, specializing in designing, building, and maintaining the underlying infrastructure required for the front-end applications. Here are some key benefits they provide:

  1. Expertise and specialization: Web infrastructure engineers have in-depth knowledge of various tools, frameworks, and technologies that power modern web applications. They understand the complexities of scaling, performance optimization, and security. Their expertise ensures the infrastructure is designed and implemented in a way that maximizes efficiency and minimizes downtime.
  2. Continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD): Web infrastructure teams establish robust CI/CD workflows that enable seamless deployment of code changes. They automate processes, such as building, testing, and deploying applications, ensuring that developers can focus on writing code rather than worrying about deployment pipelines.
  3. Performance monitoring and optimization: These teams proactively monitor the performance of web applications, identifying bottlenecks and optimizing the infrastructure to deliver the best user experience. They leverage tools for performance monitoring, load testing, and analytics to ensure optimal application performance.
  4. Security and compliance: Web infrastructure engineers are responsible for implementing robust security measures, protecting user data, and ensuring compliance with industry regulations. They stay updated with the latest security practices and help in mitigating potential risks.

Contracting with a part-time infrastructure engineer

While small startups may not have the resources to maintain a dedicated web infrastructure engineering team, they can still benefit from infrastructure expertise by contracting with a part-time infrastructure engineer. This approach allows the core development team to focus solely on application code while ensuring a reliable and up-to-date web infrastructure. Here’s why this arrangement can be advantageous:

  1. Cost-effective solution: Hiring a full-time web infrastructure engineer can be expensive for startups, especially in the early stages. Contracting with a part-time engineer allows businesses to access the necessary expertise without bearing the cost of a full-time employee.
  2. Focus on core competencies: By offloading infrastructure responsibilities to a part-time engineer, the core development team can focus on building and enhancing the application. This separation of concerns improves productivity and allows each team member to contribute to their area of expertise.
  3. Smooth CI/CD workflows: A part-time infrastructure engineer can establish and maintain robust CI/CD workflows that automate build, test, and deployment processes. This ensures that the application deployment pipeline remains efficient and reliable, freeing up developers’ time.
  4. Infrastructure maintenance and updates: Web technologies evolve rapidly, and keeping up with the latest frameworks, libraries, and security updates can be challenging. A part-time infrastructure engineer can ensure that the core web infrastructure remains up-to-date, secure, and performs optimally, relieving the development team from such concerns.

How does it work?

Finding a skilled web infrastructure engineer for your startup can be easier than you think. Many of these professionals actively contribute to open-source projects on GitHub. Once your team has settled on a tech stack, you can filter GitHub projects using relevant keywords like [React] or [Boilerplate]. Explore the most popular projects and take note of the maintainers. Reach out to those who have relevant experience and discuss the possibility of contracting their services.

By the way, if you’re embarking on a startup idea with React, Node.js, Google Cloud stack, I recommend starting with this resource: gumroad.com/l/react-starter-kit (a limited-time offer by me).

How much does it cost?

The cost of contracting a part-time web infrastructure engineer typically ranges from $300 to $1500 per month, depending on the complexity of the project and allocated working hours. As your company grows, you can always transition to hiring a full-time DevOps or web infrastructure engineer, or even establish a dedicated team to handle your expanding needs.


While large companies like Facebook have the resources to maintain dedicated web infrastructure engineering teams, startups often face budgetary constraints. By contracting with a part-time infrastructure engineer, small businesses can leverage specialized expertise without the overhead of a full-time team. This arrangement empowers the core development team to focus on application code, knowing that the web infrastructure remains up-to-date, secure, and operates smoothly. By adopting this approach, startups can enhance efficiency, reduce distractions, and pave the way for scalable growth.



Konstantin Tarkus

Empowering startups with cutting-edge expertise: software architecture, optimal practices, database design, web infrastructure, and DevOps mastery.