Elevate Your Innovation Game: How Design Thinking Coaches Drive Success

David Kolb
3 min readJun 5, 2023


Transform Your Team’s Approach to Problem-Solving and Ignite a Culture of Innovation with a Design Thinking Coach

Image of two dahlias in the garden, featuring dark white and yellow petals.
Photo David Kolb


Today’s world faces increasingly complex challenges that require multifaceted and innovative solutions. Traditional process improvements often struggle to keep up with the ever-evolving landscape, and this is where design thinking coaches step in. By guiding your organisation through the complexities of empathising with customers and embracing change, they help you overcome resistance and scepticism to achieve lasting success.

What is Design Thinking?

Design thinking is a structured approach that emphasises understanding the needs of customers and stakeholders to develop innovative solutions. Unlike conventional approaches that often focus on linear, analytical thinking and finding a single “correct” solution, design thinking embraces a human-centred, iterative process that encourages empathy, experimentation, and collaboration. The key steps of the design thinking process include empathising, defining, ideating, prototyping, and testing.

This holistic approach doesn’t just focus on the symptoms of a problem but also on the underlying causes, making it a more effective way to find long-term solutions. In addition, design thinking is iterative, involving testing and refining solutions until they are practical and meet the needs of the people they are designed to serve. This ensures that the solutions are workable and adaptable to an ever-changing business landscape.

By focusing on immersion, empathy, and experimentation, design thinking counteracts human biases that can hinder creativity. It fosters collaboration by bringing together diverse perspectives, helping companies adapt to the evolving business environment.”

Check out our blog post, Embracing Design Thinking: A Practical Guide to Starting Your Design Thinking Journey.

What Are The Benefits of Design Thinking Coaches?

Identifying and Developing New Business Opportunities

Design thinking coaches encourage your organisation to explore new ideas and develop innovative solutions by focusing on users’ actual needs and experiences. They guide teams in selecting the most effective methods for presenting their findings, enabling them to deeply understand users’ circumstances and communicate them powerfully to others.

Improving Decision-Making

Design thinking coaches facilitate better decision-making by encouraging empathy, understanding user experiences, and incorporating diverse perspectives. They help organisations reframe customer feedback as opportunities for redesign and improvement, leading to more constructive decision-making.

Developing Problem-Solving Skills

Design thinking coaches train team members to reframe problems, ask better questions, and approach issues with empathy and curiosity. This approach enhances their problem-solving skills by encouraging them to think beyond conventional boundaries and develop creative solutions to complex problems. Coaches guide teams in brainstorming multiple solutions and exploring unconventional ideas that may lead to practical outcomes.

Facilitate Creative Thinking

Design thinking coaches facilitate creative thinking by guiding teams through structured brainstorming sessions and encouraging diverse perspectives. They possess the expertise to ask thought-provoking questions and introduce new tools that inspire teams to think beyond conventional approaches. Coaches foster a collaborative environment, bringing together individuals with different backgrounds and expertise, and help employees overcome insecurities related to the ambiguity of divergent thinking. By guiding teams through uncertainty and providing support, coaches ensure that the open-endedness of the new approach leads to innovative solutions.


A design thinking coach can help your organisation address complex issues by providing a holistic approach, ensuring a deep understanding of the problem and identifying all potential solutions. They will also help you build a team of passionate problem-solvers and create a culture of collaboration and innovation, allowing you to develop creative solutions you may not have been able to devise independently. For organisations facing complex issues, a design thinking coach can guide you to success in an ever-changing business landscape by identifying desirable, feasible and viable solutions.

For more information check out David Kolb Consultancy

Further information






David Kolb

Innovation Strategist & Coach | Cyclist 🚴‍♀️ | Photographer 📸 | IDEO U Alumni Coach