Injury Prevention

May 19, 2024


Stretching: Dynamic stretches before exercise. Dynamic stretches activate muscles. Static stretches after exercise. Static stretches relax and reduce stiff muscles. See here for my specific routines:

Rolling: I recommend a foam roller to roll your back and legs to release lactic acid both before and after working out. I use it frequently throughout the day.

Ice Bathing: Ice bathing may be scientifically debatable but it has mental and physical benefits. Can reduce inflammation, boost immune functioning, improve blood flow, natural high

Flexibility: Yoga, stretch bands, stretching. see:

Balance: Exercises and stretching will naturally improve balance! Staying mindful can improve control. Buying a slackline is a great investment for long-term balance.

Hydration: Water keep joints and muscles lubricated. It prevents cramps, and fatigue. See

