The Stellar Consensus Protocol is not Blockchain. And that is good.

Michael Koller
2 min readOct 4, 2017

My Introduction to Stellar

I published my first and only trade idea on TradingView on Valentine’s Day of this year. Kind of ironic and a little funny the way that worked out. The idea was to go long on Ethereum in the new year. I guess I was on to something.

There is no doubt 2017 has been the biggest year the industry has seen. These are times I had only dreamt about but as a trader, I’m always seeking opportunity. Stellar has been around longer than a lot of other projects but for some reason never caught my eye. Recently, I was going through charts looking for your typical buy low/sell high setup. I liked the Stellar chart but was clueless about the project’s story. Time for some research.

The Current Problems with Blockchain

I think anyone that has been around long enough realizes Bitcoin’s mining power is centralized in China. Slight problem for a decentralized store of value. We saw a chain split in August and my guess is we’ll see one in November. I’ve always been a fan of Ethereum but recently took the time to better understand the project’s roadmap. My understanding is that even after the addition of Plasma subchains, there is a possible security flaw that remains unsolved. Not saying it will remain unsolved.

SCP Basics

The Stellar Consensus Protocol white paper can seem complex because it’s not blockchain. The…

