29-year-old Regina Todorenko, a Ukrainian TV presenter, singer, provoked a large-scale scandal by the statement that women experiencing domestic violence just like to be a victim.

4 min readMay 1, 2020


Well-known TV presenter and blogger Regina Todorenko has become a target for users of social networks. The audience ganged up on the former face of the Eagle and Reshka project for an imprudent statement about domestic violence in an interview. According to Todorenko, women themselves are to blame for being beaten. Web users did not approve of Regina’s position; bullying began. However, in the world of show business, the situation is not so clear-cut.

“What have you done to not beat”

It all started with a video interview with PeopleTalk. The journalist’s “guests” were Regina Todorenko with her husband Vlad Topalov. The couple was invited to discuss hype on relationships, as well as beautiful family pictures, which often stars post on social networks, and then mourn after a break with high-profile confessions. “You need to be a psychologically ill person to say to the camera:” God! My husband beats me! “Todorenko said. However, she did not stop there and turned towards domestic violence.

“My husband beats me.” And why? Have you thought about this? What have you done so that he does not beat you? And what did you do to hit you?

The statement of the TV presenter can be regarded in different ways. However, users of social networks made their conclusions quickly — and hounded the TV presenter on social networks. Todorenko was accused of supporting domestic violence. Got and her husband. When Regina closed comments on their social networks, users began to attack Topalov. Users accused the singer and his wife of duplicity. Vlad did not begin to stand on ceremony in response — and several subscribers received unflattering answers to their comments, including with the content of the mat. However, later Topalov remembered publicity and wrote a post-response according to all the rules of the Russian language.

Later, Regina herself returned to the social network. She turned to the subscribers with an apology. “I apologize for the incorrect formulations of domestic violence. I am against domestic violence, any violence. Perhaps I have children’s fears, maybe like hundreds of women, I’m not ready to talk about what happened to me,” Todorenko said on on your Instagram page. In addition, the TV presenter said that she had contacted several foundations supporting women who had experienced domestic violence. Todorenko plans to “bring this problem to the public together,” as well as “work out steps to eradicate it.”

I want to apologize again for my rude, disgusting statement. I am against domestic violence and against any violence in general. I believe that there is no such thing as “earn violence.” I really want to convey the idea that it is in our hands, in our power, to stop the violence and to prevent it from happening at all. Yes, I stumbled and made a mistake !!!! But I am grateful to my stupid language for becoming a trigger that helped tens of thousands of women speak out. Thank you for showing me the vile realities that I did not even suspect about because of my ignorance and lack of education.

Now my Instagram platform will be the home for those who are ready to talk about domestic violence and will no longer be silent! Until yesterday, I did not understand the scale of the problem of domestic violence. During this day, having received thousands of stories of real women, I contacted representatives of foundations (Center “Violence.Net”, Center for Assistance to Sexual Violence survivors “Sisters”, Crisis Center for Women, “you are not alone”) supporting women subjected to domestic violence so that by joint FORCES to convey this problem to society, and most importantly — to develop steps to eradicate it! A woman in such a situation needs help, and not the advice of the girl from the COVER !!! Please forgive me if this can be forgiven.

PepsiCo decided to abandon advertising with TV presenter Regina Todorenko and stop the media campaign with her participation. “ Diaper manufacturer: “We are very deeply upset and disappointed with how Regina’s words sounded.

about depriving Todorenko of the title “Woman of the Year” according to Glamor magazine. At the same time, the glossy editors tried to reason a little angry users. “Any violence, including bullying, is unacceptable. We really hope that you support us in this,” Glamor reports on social networks.

In the comments, people are trying to explain to each other that Regina did not justify domestic violence at all, but only negatively addressed those women who are not trying to fight, but simply accept the situation with the beatings.

