Peter Trollo
2 min readJan 19, 2023
Max and Mia

Once upon a time, in a cozy little house lived a dog named Max and a cat named Mia. Max was a friendly golden retriever who loved to play fetch and cuddle with his owners. Mia was a graceful Siamese cat who loved to nap in the sun and groom herself.

One day, while Max was out playing in the backyard, Mia decided to explore the neighborhood. She wandered through gardens and alleys, admiring the sights and smells of the community.

As she was wandering, she came across a group of neighborhood cats who were teasing a small, scrappy looking dog. The dog was shivering with fear and trying to back away, but the cats were getting closer and closer.

Mia knew she had to do something to help. She ran up to the group of cats and let out a loud meow. The cats, surprised by her sudden appearance, turned to look at her.

“What do you want?” one of the cats sneered.

“I want you to leave that poor dog alone,” Mia said firmly.

The cats laughed and sneered at her but Mia stood her ground, her tail held high. Suddenly, Max came bounding over, barking excitedly.

The cats saw Max and realized they were outnumbered. They slunk away, tails between their legs. Max and Mia then went to the dog and helped it up, and they brought it back to their house, where they gave it a nice warm bed, food and water.

From that day on, Max and Mia were the best of friends and they would always look out for each other, no matter what. And the little dog was happy to have found a new home.

The end.

Peter Trollo

Just a random guy who wants to share his writing.