How To Practice Minimalism?

As over intimidating it might sound to change to complete lifestyle, it’s actually a fun and clean process.

2 min readAug 7, 2023

This comes from my own experience of leading a minimal life over 2 years now. You spend less, have more time, look better with enhanced memory, patience and energy.

Photo by Maksim Goncharenok:

1. Have a no spend month: Of course, you need to pay the essential bills. I mean cutting off the unnecessary buying. You will find yourself naturally desiring to stay home and enjoy the freedom to be around the people who really matter.

2. Be entertained: Instead of gluing yourselves to the television and mobile screens or going out to cafés, open your place to loved ones for a get-together. Embark on frequent hikes, long walks or pick up a long-forgotten hobby.

3. Be vocal: Don’t keep it a secret. Tell your family and friends what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. This might seem intimidating at first but if you are secretive, you might find yourself in the awkward position of having to decline invitations and later explain the why part.

Bonus: You might even end up empowering one of them, at least!

4. Be proactive: You will be left with excess free time during the no spend month, so use it to unsubscribe from marketing lists. Doing so reduces the frequency with which you are exposed to advertisements.

5. Be Decluttered: Use the downtime your no-spend month offers to declutter your home for once and for all. We will discuss exactly how sustainable minimalist declutter in the next post.




I talk about technology and experience; technically growth & experience.