9 Important Benefits of Using Social Media Marketing to Grow Your Business

komali maraka
4 min readJul 2, 2018


Benefits of Using Social Media to Grow Your Business

Businesses today have begun to understand the Advantages of Social Media Marketing and its role in staying ahead of competitors and attracting new customers. Gone are the days when the secretary at the front desk was the only link between a company and the outside world. With smartphones and social media playing a prominent role in people’s daily lives, the internet and social media have become the first point of reference for just about any information. Currently, the number of people following brands is greater than the number of people following celebrities. On Instagram, 80 percent of the users follow at least one brand. There are more than 3 billion social media users in the world today.

With people relying more on their smartphones and social media in their buying process, it makes sense for any business to be active on social media. If you are not, you are overlooking a quick, efficient, and economical medium to connect with almost half the world’s population. Here are nine ways social media help your business grow:

  1. Exposure and Brand Awareness:
Brand Awareness

Social media presence can boost your company’s visibility and exposure. With so many active users, it’s an obvious place to reach out to customers. Implementing the right social media strategies can greatly help in increasing your brand awareness. This is where the role of a Social Media Management Company become significant. More than 91% of marketers claim that spending only a few hours per week on social media marketing greatly increased their exposure.

2. Cost-Effectiveness

Cost Effective

Many case studies have been performed to compare the cost-effectiveness of traditional marketing and social media marketing. The general consensus is that social media marketing is less expensive. Creating a social media profile and posting content is absolutely free. You can go even further and hire professional SMM Services for better quality.

3. Improved Brand Loyalty

People follow those brands on social media that they use and enjoy. Building brand royalty is not easy, but social media can certainly help in the process. A report by Texas Tech University states that brands who interact with customers on social media enjoy greater loyalty. A well-planned Social Media Strategy can be decisive in turning consumers into loyal supporters of the brand.

4. Improved Customer Satisfaction

Companies can use social media channels to connect with users and let them know that you value them. Responding to user messages or comments shows that you care for the customersʼ needs and are dedicated to providing the best experience. A brand that makes time for interpersonal dialogue with people will be seen in a positive light.

5. More Inbound Traffic

Inbound Traffic

An efficient presence on the social media will definitely allow more users to traverse through the social media page where they can make a purchase. The ultimate objective is sales, and having a well-made website that converts well will lead to an increase in sales with social media growth.

6. Higher Conversion Rates

Every social media post has the potential to change customers to converts. Social media marketing has a 100% higher lead to close the rate in comparison to traditional marketing. Simply building a social media following can improve rates of conversion on the existing traffic.

7. Improved Search Engine Rankings

Improved Search Engine Rankings

SEOs are the tools to capture traffic from search engines. But it’s not sufficient anymore to keep your blog updated, meta-descriptions and title tags optimized, and links pointing back to your website. Social media presence is now an important factor in calculating brand ranking on the Internet. Being active on social media provides proof to search engines that the brand is legitimate.

8. Retargeting Your Audience

Retargeting Your Audience

Retargeting ads means placing anonymous cookies in the browsers of people who visit your website. This helps in displaying a targeted ad when they visit a social media website. It’s a good way to ensure that people who visit your website but don’t make a purchase can be targeted through advertising.

9. Building Brand Equity

Social media can help build the trust of prospective customers by providing free brand value. This can be done through blog posts, free guides, newsletters, and other resources that help build equity. Social media is helpful as sharing content is absolutely free of cost.


So you see how social media marketing can help a business grow in many ways. The longer you delay building a social media profile for your brand, the more you lose. Social media marketing is the future of marketing and it’s here to stay. Follow these tips and see your business grow.

