Root Cause Analysis for Zabbix 7 IT Infrastructure Monitoring Issues

Kompjuter biblioteka Beograd
3 min readJun 17, 2024


DALL-E 3: Book cover for a book titled ‘Zabbix’. The cover should be modern and tech-focused, with elements like servers, graphs, and monitoring screens. Use a color scheme with dark blues and greens to convey a professional and technical feel. The title ‘Zabbix’ should be prominently displayed at the top with a sleek, bold font. Below the title, add a subtle network diagram with nodes and connections. The background should have a gradient effect, moving from darker shades at the top to lighter shades at the bottom. No author name should be included.

Step 1: Clearly Define the Problem

Problem Statement: Frequent false positive alerts in Zabbix 7 are causing unnecessary noise and diverting attention from actual critical issues.

Step 2: Gather Necessary Data

  1. Alert Logs: Collect logs of all alerts over the past month.
  2. Alert Configurations: Review the configurations for alert triggers, thresholds, and conditions.
  3. System Performance Metrics: Gather data on system performance at times when false positives were triggered.
  4. User Feedback: Obtain feedback from users who respond to these alerts regarding the nature and frequency of false positives.

Step 3: Brainstorm Possible Causes

  1. Misconfigured Thresholds: Alert thresholds might be set too low, triggering alerts for non-critical issues.
  2. Improper Trigger Dependencies: Lack of proper dependencies between triggers can result in multiple alerts for a single issue.
  3. Network Latency: Delays in network communication might cause temporary data spikes that trigger false alerts.
  4. Fluctuating Metrics: Some metrics might have natural fluctuations that aren’t accounted for in alert configurations.
  5. Old or Redundant Templates: Using outdated templates that do not align with the current infrastructure.

Step 4: Use the 5 Whys Technique to Pinpoint Root Cause

  1. Why are there frequent false positive alerts?
  • Because the alert thresholds are set too low.
  1. Why are the alert thresholds set too low?
  • Because the thresholds were configured based on outdated performance data.

3. Why was outdated performance data used for configuring thresholds?

  • Because there hasn’t been a review or update of alert configurations for a significant period.

4. Why hasn’t there been a review or update of alert configurations?

  • Because there is no scheduled process for regular review and updating of alert configurations.

5. Why is there no scheduled process for regular review and updating of alert configurations?

  • Because of a lack of defined maintenance procedures in the monitoring setup.

Step 5: Use a Fishbone Diagram to Explore Additional Root Causes

  • Configuration Issues: Misconfigured thresholds, improper trigger dependencies, old or redundant templates.
  • Network Issues: Network latency, fluctuating metrics.
  • Data Quality: Inconsistent data collection, outdated performance data.
  • Process Issues: Lack of regular review processes, inadequate training for configuring alerts.

Step 6: Suggest Practical Solutions

  1. Regular Review and Update of Alert Configurations:
  • Implement a bi-annual review process for all alert configurations.
  • Use current performance data to adjust thresholds.

2. Enhance Trigger Dependencies:

  • Set up proper trigger dependencies to prevent multiple alerts from a single root cause.
  • Utilize Zabbix 7’s event correlation engine to improve incident detection and resolution.

3. Improve Network Monitoring:

  • Implement more robust network monitoring to account for latency and fluctuations.
  • Use advanced metrics and built-in support for new data types in Zabbix 7.

4. Utilize Updated Templates:

  • Regularly update monitoring templates to align with the current infrastructure.
  • Use Zabbix 7’s new template libraries and customize them to suit specific requirements.

5. Training and Documentation:

  • Provide regular training for the team on best practices for configuring alerts.
  • Maintain updated documentation on the procedures for setting up and reviewing alert configurations.

6. Automated Processes:

  • Automate data collection and preprocessing to ensure consistent and accurate data.
  • Use Zabbix 7’s API capabilities to integrate automated review processes.

Example Output

Problem Definition: Frequent false positive alerts in Zabbix 7. Gathered Data:

  • Alert logs from the past month
  • Current alert configurations
  • System performance metrics
  • User feedback

Possible Causes:

  • Misconfigured thresholds
  • Improper trigger dependencies
  • Network latency
  • Fluctuating metrics
  • Old templates

Root Cause: Lack of regular review and update of alert configurations due to the absence of defined maintenance procedures.


  1. Implement a bi-annual review of alert configurations.
  2. Enhance trigger dependencies.
  3. Improve network monitoring.
  4. Regularly update and customize templates.
  5. Provide training and maintain documentation.
  6. Automate data collection and review processes.

These steps and solutions should help mitigate the issue of false positive alerts, ensuring more accurate and reliable monitoring with Zabbix 7.

Ebook: Zabbix 7 IT Infrastructure Monitoring Tips and Tricks

Zabbix 7 has introduced several new features and improvements that enhance the capabilities of this popular open-source monitoring solution. This guide aims to provide you with a comprehensive list of tips and tricks to make the most out of Zabbix 7 for designing, building, and maintaining your IT infrastructure monitoring setup

Pages: 72



Kompjuter biblioteka Beograd

Specijalizovani izdavač kompjuterske literature od 1986. godine.