Part 4–100 Advanced JavaScript Interview Questions with Answers and Code Examples

Komeil Mehranfar
6 min readJul 29, 2023
Part 4–100 Advanced JavaScript Interview Questions with Answers and Code Examples
Part 4–100 Advanced JavaScript Interview Questions with Answers and Code Examples


Enhance your JavaScript knowledge with a curated set of 10 advanced interview questions. Dive into complex topics like lexical scoping, design patterns, asynchronous programming, and more. Uncover invaluable insights and solidify your understanding through comprehensive answers and hands-on code examples. Elevate your preparation for JavaScript interviews and demonstrate your expertise in this dynamic language with confidence. (Part 4 of the series)

Check out 100 Advanced JavaScript Interview Questions with Answers and Code Examples (Part 3) if you didn’t read that article!

Table of Content:

  • How does JavaScript handle asynchronous operations? Explain the role of callbacks and provide an example.
  • What is the purpose of the “typeof” operator in JavaScript? Provide an example.
  • How can you convert a string to a number in JavaScript? Provide an example.
  • What is the purpose of the “slice()” method in JavaScript arrays? Provide an example.
  • How can you check if an object has a specific property in JavaScript? Provide an example.
  • How do you reverse a string in JavaScript? Provide…



Komeil Mehranfar

Software Engineer | React.js | Javascript | Typescript | Next.js | Product Enthusiast