Introducing Kommunitas Secure IKO: Reinventing Trust, Security, and Flexibility in Web3 Launchpad

5 min readAug 22, 2023

An Overview of Kommunitas Secure IKO

The importance of trust and security in the volatile world of cryptocurrency cannot be overstated. Kommunitas warmly welcomes users to Kommunitas Secure IKO, users gateway to a safe and promising cryptocurrency offering. Let’s delve into the implications of this for both seasoned crypto users and those new to the crypto landscape.

Why Kommunitas Secure IKO Matters:

Cryptocurrency can be unpredictable, but Kommunitas stands strong as users launchpad choice. Our track record during bear markets speaks for itself. We’ve protected our KOMmunity’s funds with careful criteria through Kommunitas Priority Project Criteria.

However, we’ve realized that being too strict has its drawbacks. It limited the number of projects and sometimes led to unwanted results. So, we’re introducing Kommunitas Secure IKO to strike a balance. We’re keeping our guard up, but opening our gates wider to welcome more promising and high-quality projects. This is our commitment to users: a safe space for participating in Initial Kommunity Offerings (IKOs), where users have 100% control and choices for their IKO participation.

What to Expect from Kommunitas Secure IKO:

  1. The refund process within the Kommunitas Secure IKO is seamlessly designed, reflecting the decentralized and trustless ethos of our platform. Just like users initial commitment was a matter of a few simple clicks, so is requesting a refund. There are no forms to fill out, no needless hurdles — just straightforward action at users fingertips.
  2. We prioritize users security and time, giving users peace of mind as they participate in our launchpad. With Kommunitas, users are in full control of their investment. Users can continue to support the project or get a full refund within a 3-day period, and we make this process straightforward and easy.
  3. In the past, our strict selection criteria protected the KOMmunity but also made it challenging for many promising projects to join us. With Kommunitas Secure IKO, we’ve redesigned our approach. We still uphold high standards, but we’ve crafted our criteria to be more realistic for exceptional projects. This refined approach is intended to attract reputable and high-potential projects to our platform, offering them a trustworthy and structured path to introduce themselves to our KOMmunity, while also allowing them to access their funds or initiate token refunds in a clear and timely manner.

Kommunitas Secure IKO Criteria:

We’ve set clear criteria to ensure the best projects join Kommunitas Secure IKO. This benefits both the investor and the project teams, aiming for a clear, fair, and secure launch process. Here is a breakdown of these essential conditions that every project must meet to participate in a Kommunitas Secure IKO:

  • Projects must secure a listing on a Decentralized Exchange (DEX) or Centralized Exchange (CEX), defined as one of the top 10 CEXs as ranked by CoinMarketCap, or at a minimum, such as Bitmart,, Bitrue, or MEXC.
  • The project’s token must have a utility or use-case at the time of listing, such as staking or governance.
  • The listing date of the token must be within 14 days of the IKO, and Kommunitas reserves the right to provide refunds if the listing is postponed.
  • The Team’s tokens must be locked up according to a set vesting schedule, and the token’s contracts must be audited by a reputable audit firm.
  • After a project’s token is listed, the KOMmunity has a strict 3-day window to make their final decision. Within this period, members can choose whether to claim their TGE tokens, opt for a refund of their allocation, or claim and then opt for a refund for their remaining allocation.

Here are some simple Scenarios for claiming the tokens or taking a refund for users participation:

Kommunitas is proudly hosting an IKO for Project $ABC. The vesting schedule is set at a 20% release at the Token Generation Event (TGE), with equal distributions over the next four months. Let’s take User A as an example, who commits to a $100 allocation of $ABC tokens. This means User A can claim 20% at TGE.

Scenario 1: You claim some tokens at the TGE (Token Generation Event) and can get a refund for the rest if needed.

User A decides to claim the TGE tokens, which are 20% of their purchase, or $20. To do this, User A simply clicks the “Claim” button in the claiming portal. After this action, User A understands that these claimed TGE tokens are theirs to keep. However, if User A changes their mind, they can still click the “Refund” button for the remaining 80% ($80) within this 3-day timeframe. No questions, no hassle — it’s all streamlined!

Scenario 2: If you prefer a refund for your full investment, it’s a simple process.

Alternatively, User A opts for a full refund during the established 3-day window. They just need to click the “Refund” button in the claiming portal. In this scenario, User A will get the full $100 back in their wallet and won’t be able to claim any tokens thereafter.

Scenario 3: If you don’t act in the 3-day window, you stay invested according to the schedule.


If User A neither clicks the “Claim” button for the TGE tokens nor clicks the “Refund” button within this 3-day window, they stay invested in the project. The token release for User A continues as planned, according to the original vesting schedule.

Identifying Kommunitas Secure IKO

When users are navigating through our offerings, it’s essential for users to quickly and unmistakably identify which projects are backed by the Kommunitas Secure IKO initiative. Here are the steps:

  • Guard Symbol and “Secure” Word: Projects affiliated with the Kommunitas Secure IKO will prominently feature a Guard symbol next to their name. Accompanied by the word “Secure”, this is a clear indication of the project’s elevated status and our stamp of approval.
  • Announcement Clarifications: Whenever we announce a new IKO project, the type of project will be distinctly mentioned. For projects that fall under the Kommunitas Secure IKO banner, the announcement will clearly specify them as such.

Conclusion: For Our KOMmunity

Kommunitas stands distinctively in the vibrant landscape of token launch platforms. We are more than a platform; we are a committed partner in your cryptocurrency journey. The Kommunitas Secure IKO is a testament to our unwavering dedication to providing a safe, transparent, and responsible avenue for investments in this dynamic market. In an environment rife with uncertainty, we strive to be a trusted guide for our community.

Our 3-day decision window is designed with you, our valued community members, in mind. It is not merely a feature — it is an empowering choice, reflecting our deep respect for your autonomy and investment strategy. Whether you choose to claim your TGE tokens, opt for a refund of your purchase, or claim and then decide on a refund for the remaining portion, we have designed the process to be as straightforward and respectful of your choices as possible.

We are here to serve you, not just as a platform, but as a steadfast ally in your IDO journey. We are profoundly grateful for your trust and participation in our KOMmunity. Together, we are not just participating in the market — we are shaping its future. Thank you for being an essential part of this journey with us.




Kommunitas is a decentralized crowdfunding ecosystem for web3.0 projects. We incubate and help web3.0 projects to grow and expand.