[RECAP] AMA: Kommunitas x Cyberium

8 min readApr 8, 2022


James and Sophie attended an AMA session in our community yesterday. They introduced their project, Cyberium, which is a game metaverse. Want to know more about CYBERIUM Sport Metaverse. You can read the summary of yesterday’s AMA below.


Question 1: First of all, please introduce yourself to us. How and when did you start? What is your role in CYBERIUM?

James: Hello Kommunitas community, I’m James Vuong, Co-Founder and CEO of CYBERIUM. Prior to this project, I had 10 years experience working in Singapore (Finance field, Project Management role).

After that I came back to Vietnam, my homeland to run my first startup — We Escape, and we were a Shark-Tank invested project and showing dramatic growth since 2018.

However, due to Covid-19, the concept of Escape room was impacted 🙁 and I need to continue my passion of “connecting people through entertainment” in another way, which I found after researching blockchain, crypto and gamefi.

So I gathered the founder team and established Cyberium in November 2021. Only after 4 months, our team have developed from 5 founders to 30 fulltimer, and closed seed round with 10M valuation!

Question 2: Can you briefly describe about CYBERIUM to our KOMmunity? What is all about?

Sophie: CYBERIUM is a sport metaverse, a centralized hub offering a revolutionary experience for esport lovers to play, to engage, to win and earn!

Stepping into our huge and immersive stadium, the players — with their chosen favorite character and stunning in game equipments, are under all spotlight with 360 camera, hearing cheers from their fans, getting electrified in every cell of their e-sport lover’s blood to start each match, each tournament with determination to win!

Well let me share with you some sneakpeek 😉

Our USPs:

> Triple A graphic to enlighten esports tournament’ excitement and esport lovers’ stickiness.

> Free to play — play to win and earn as a pro, free to engage — create to earn as a fan.

> Built-in features for professional players and tournaments

You may find more details and try “Play demo” through the website 👉https://cyberium.world/

Or read through Whitepaper 👉 https://docs.cyberium.world/

Question 3: How will your project stand out with so many GameFi and metaverse projects launching at the same time? What makes your project different from other competitors?

James: With the advent of the terms “Game-fi”, play to earn, many projects have focused so much on the “-fi” part that they may forget what makes the billion dollar industry like we have here must come from the “game” part!

Currently, once users put money into the game in Gamefi market to invest, they will always be in a state of fear whether they will be able to pay back or not, which makes playing a game stressful, creating a lot of unnecessary negativity in the community.

With Cyberium, the top 3 differentiations are:

-Simple gameplay: we choose the sport games that are popular — easy to start playing even if you’ve never played it before, just like the first test-net we are releasing now:

- Acquiring users from available huge communities: According to eSport Statistic report in 2021: there are 234 million Esports enthusiasts, and a further 240 million occasional Esports viewers. And these target users’ profile — demography in top countries are similar to Crypto users, well fitting our strategy of acquiring users in both Crypto and Traditional players.

( I believe Indonesian loves Pool as well)

-FInally: We have Anti-inflation mechanism for both Token and NFTs. Unlimited destructible NFTs and limited indestructible NFTs: Most of the players cannot use 1 NFT and earn forever. It will get destructed after a certain period of time and they need to buy / craft a new one. In short, there is always the demand for purchasing new NFTs.

Question 4: Can you share more about Cyberium tokenomics? What are the advantages of holding tokens as a long term investment? Can you tell us about the motivations and benefits for investors to keep your tokens long term?

Sophie: At Cyberium, we believe that the investors will have strong motivation to keep our token with our clear economy and arranged utilities for each token.

In May 2022, Cyberium will release 2 tokens:

- $ESPN (E-Sport Nation) is the main currency of CYBERIUM, which is used mainly as a governance token, rarely used as rewards for in-game activities.

- $Break is the main game currency for our first Pool game. If $BREAK token or any other secondary token is not performing well, it won’t have huge effect to Cyberium Ecosystem.

The details of utilities are as follow:

As a gaming hub, investing now means investing in lots of games in future. It’s actually a privilege or so-called opportunity for most investors right now because when we release a new game, there will be double, triple or even more demand for the main token $ESPN which can increase its value. Do note that this is not financial advice though…. 😉

Question 5: My final question for you. What is your strategy to protect your NFTs from inflation?

James: You are right, this is really an “elephant in the room” for most project. However we got it covered

NFT in Cyberium will have “durability”. After it reaches 0, players cannot use the NFT to earn anymore (still can use to stake or to dissassemble though)

That means, noone can use 1 NFT to earn forever, they will have to purchase new NFT from market from time to time. It doesnt only create demand for NFTs, it also prevents the inflation from happening!

I can show you what they look like:

Are you ready to own these bad boys in upcoming month? I know I am 😁


Question 1: Are you a global project or local project? At present, which market are you focus on, or is it focused on building and growing to gain customers, users and partners?

Sophie: Cyberium’s vision is to be world #1 Sport Metaverse , and we are targeting both sport game players and crypto users globally, fortunately, the market research data, statistics proved that top countries of these 2 targets are actually share similar demography, which is also our current focus: Brazil, US, India, SEA countries (and of course Indonesia is included 🤗)

Question 2: In your whitepaper “However they need to own NFT equipment to earn $BREAK or $ESPN”. So can free players earn anything at all from the game?

James: Well, ALL PLAYERS are free to play in Cyberium, whether it’s pool game or the upcoming sport games that we have. They can climb the leaderboard as paid players, and get hefty rewards by end of season (normally 2–4 weeks).

For those who want to fasten their process, they can purchase NFT to start to earn immediately after winning a match. The investment starts as low as $200, and ROI is around 30 days!

Question 3: What makes you feel confident about the survival & sustainable success of your project in the near future?

James: We focus 100% resources in making the GAME! We believe FI part will come later. That’s why I’m confident that project will deliver the best experience for eSport Lovers.

The fact, we have close to 5,000 people joining our private testing, the retention rate >50% even when they cannot earn!

It proves that we have solid product, and we are having solid player bases as well!

Question 4: Do you have any plans to attract non-crypto investors to join your project? Because the success of a project attracts more investors who haven’t yet entered the crypto world. What are the plans to raise awareness about your project in the non-crypto space.

Sophie: As said above, we target both crypto trader and traditional sport gamers, who may not be so familiar with crypto yet, to acquire them joining Cyberium Sport Metaverse there are key important actions in our strategy:

Firstly, the product itself! We are not only releasing on web version, but we also plan to launch on App version in May, which is the familiar platform for the traditional gamer to engage with us easily!

Secondly, we are building tutorial content videos to on boarding both: Crypto trader to play sport games, and Guidance for traditional gamers to start crypto!

Last but not least, we are working with KOLs in both field to join us to spread awareness and help us on boarding both target audience to join Cyberium Sport Metaverse!

Question 5: What are the ways for your project to generate revenue in the long run? What is the progress of business development and what are some of your commercial partnerships,?


Let me show you quicky our revenue model

these are our revenue model, and we even sacrified all BREAK revenue just to keep the community happy! Dont worry about us, let’s find time to play our game soon!


1. What’s Cyberium positioning?

Answer: Sport Metaverse

2. What’s/ are token(s) of Cyberium?

Answer: $BREAK, $ESPN

3. What are the first 4 sport games that Cyberium will be releasing? (as stated in whitepaper)

Answer: Pool, tennis, golf, racing

4. How can free players earn in Cyberium?

Answer: Climbing up leaderboard

5. Name at least 4 backers and 1 launchpad in Cyberium website!

Answer: Coin68, AstroV Ventures, Chromia, Inwave Studio, GD10 Ventures, and BullPerk. Kommunitas is launchpad

Cyberium Official Links:

🔺Website: https://www.cyberium.world/
🔺Twitter: https://twitter.com/cyberium_global
🔺Telegram: https://t.me/CyberiumCommunity
🔺Telegram Channel: https://t.me/CYBERIUM_SportMetaverse
🔺Discord: https://discord.com/invite/YSRyM4mtb3




Kommunitas is a decentralized crowdfunding ecosystem for web3.0 projects. We incubate and help web3.0 projects to grow and expand. https://kommunitas.net