[RECAP] AMA: Kommunitas x DCD Ecosystem

Kommunitas Official
7 min readMar 9, 2022



Question 1:

Before we dig deeper into your project. Please introduce yourself and your project. What is DCD Ecosystem?

Denis: Well, my name is Denis, I am CEO and founder of DCD Ecosystem. I have been involved in crypto projects since 2015, since 2017 I have my own IT company Graphene Lab, in which we develop blockchain projects for various clients.

DCD Ecosystem is a GameFi Infrastructure Protocol, built to help gamers build games, integrate DeFi elements, and launch with reduced time-to-market. They aim to unite all participants in the GameFi industry: developers, game operators, affiliates, and players on a single platform.Our goal is to create a platform and provide technologies that can be used even by inexperienced game developers who want to try to integrate the blockchain in one way or another.

The protocol is a blockchain that combines the achievements of other blockchain systems. The protocol itself is not layer 1 or layer 2, we call it an up-layer, since its purpose is to connect players on any existing blockchains through smart contract systems, bridges, and in other ways.

Question 2: How will your project stand out with so many GameFi and metaverse projects launching at the same time? What makes your project different from other competitors?

Denis: Everything is quite simple and complicated at the same time. First of all, we have great respect for all real projects that are launched in the field of cryptocurrencies, especially in the gaming industry. It is game projects that give people what they need so much now — rest, relaxation and good mood 🙂

As for us, we are betting not only on the current crypto community, but also on the classical market of the gaming industry. In addition, our technical base of the project is significantly different from most others — we use the most popular C++ programming language in the gaming industry, we have significantly changed the commission system compared to other projects.

We also have an incredibly extensive experience with crypto projects. We have been doing this since 2017, having implemented dozens of projects ranging from small games to large infrastructure projects in the field of logistics and insurance.

All this gives us the opportunity to fully compete with all players in the market.

Question 3: What utilities does the token have? And what benefits will token holders get?

Denis: Everything is very clear here for all crypto users — stake, voting, commissions.

I’ll tell you a little more 🙂 Stake entitles users to several actions at once

1. Voting for work proposals
2. Voting for validators (and getting a share of active validators reward)
3. Eligibility for free transactions
4. Ability to allocate “resources” to applications in exchange for various rewards

If you do not want to fill your head with a steak and just sometimes do various operations in our network, then you will need to pay commissions. Fortunately, everything here is quite interesting.

We have already developed a system of oracles that publish the token rate on the blockchain, and the validators vote on how much transactions should cost.

For example, they will vote that the transfer should cost $0.001 and now whenever a user makes a transfer, they will only pay that amount in our token. This is very convenient for business — you can safely calculate all expenses without regard to the growth of the token rate.

Question 4: Then what about non-crypto user? Non-crypto users are very important for mainstream adoption. How are you planning to attract non-crypto users towards your project?

Denis: We plan to attract such users with convenience, ease of use, and also by attracting popular game developers who already have a large community.

By the way, my first project was in the field of developing the popularity of cryptocurrencies. My friends and I translated texts about blockchain and published them. In almost 3 years, we have translated more than 2000 blockchain articles and attracted thousands of new users.

This is how we will attract people, since non-crypto users are our main goal now 🙂

Question 5: Are there any strategic partners that you can share? Most investors look for projects with great partners. The more reputable and well-known partners, the more confident they will be to invest in your project.

Denis: Yes, nothing can be done without partners now 🙂 During the development of the project, we have already managed to become partners with many cool projects.

Among the main ones I can list Shima Capital, x21, Gotbit, AVG, Hindsgaul Capital, DuckDAO, Kommunitas, Legion Ventures, IIDF, 101xp, KyberNetwork, ChainPort, DCentralab and other.

All of them are our partners and friends, we spend a lot of time in various consultations and discussions.

By the way, 101xp is the largest game developer in the CIS, their top manager becomes our advisor. Together we can significantly increase the number of game developers in crypto, which means that there will be even more cool projects soon!

Question 6: And my last question are: Let’s get to know more about not only the project but the great team behind it. Tell us more about your team. How many members and what are their backgrounds?

Denis: As I mentioned earlier, since 2017 I have my own IT company Graphene Lab. Thanks to this, we have a formed team of developers who have been working together for several years and are engaged only in blockchain projects.

We were the team behind Karma (p2p blockchain lending platform), C-bank (crypto-banking microservice architecture), and Romula (bot-trading middleware for CEX), to name a few.

In addition, for a couple of years we were officially hired as developers by the Bitshares — the oldest decentralized exchange. Moreover, we are hired through the DAO, that is, directly by the community

In the team we have 7 developers and 11 people including remote employees. This is a team that has been working together for years only on crypto projects 🙂

In addition, we continue to actively recruit people


Question 1: Revenue is an important aspect for all projects to survive and maintain the project/company. How have you been able to build a complete project and what is the way to generate profit/revenue of the token? What is the income model?

Denis: In addition to the income from the validator node, as well as investments, we plan to receive a share of all projects that we help with development. This is more than enough to develop the project

As for further development, we will launch DAE — a decentralized autonomous ecosystem where everyone can offer themselves as a platform developer. If the community supports him, then the platform will pay him for his work, and we will go on a well-deserved rest 🙂

But so far, there is a lot of work to be done, therefore — investment fees, income from projects, launching our own projects. Here are the main sources of income for us

Question 2: Too many projects promise magic but never release any working product or prove any revenue, Within a short/long time of release. Is your project also like this? If not can u tell us, What makes your project different from other projects?

Denis: We have been in the cryptocurrency market for too many years to risk our reputation — this is at least one reason not to deceive our users. Beyond that, we have enough experience to only promise what we can deliver.

In addition, many of our plans have already been made and on the github, we do not come out empty-handed to you 🙂

Question 3: Many projects have problems with UI / UX and this one turns off new users. How do you plan to improve the interaction with new users and with users outside the crypto space?


We have developed interfaces for platforms with more than 1 million users. Most of these users were satisfied :)

And I will also attach a screen (which no one has seen) of our wallet, I literally just did it. In my opinion, the most simple and cute.

Question 4: Are you afraid some day there will be another project with more innovative technology can replace your project ?

Denis: The market is still very young and empty, dozens of cool projects are ahead of us, but I am sure that we will firmly occupy our niche.

Our advantage is that we give not one project, but tools and a platform for thousands of other projects. So no, I’m not afraid 🙂 and you can’t be afraid when you create something new.

Question 5: How critical do you consider the interoperability between the ecosystems to be to the future of blockchain tech and how are you paving the way to that future?

Denis: But this is a difficult question. We have chosen the path of combining blockchains through ourselves, which is why we call ourselves an uplayer. We believe that the future lies with the unification, but how it will work is still an open question. We are still trying to answer it 🙂


1. How many people do we have on the team?

Answer: 11

2. How long have we been working in the cryptosphere as developers?

Answer: 5 years

3. What programming language will be used for smart contracts?

Answer: C++

4. What do we call our blockchain layer?

Answer: Uplayer

5. how many articles have we translated so far?

Answer: 2000

DCD Ecosystem Official Links:

🔺Website: https://dcdp.io/
🔺Twitter: https://twitter.com/dcd_ecosystem
🔺Telegram: https://t.me/DCDecosystem
🔺 Telegram News: https://t.me/DCDnews
🔺Medium: https://medium.com/@dcd_ecosystem



Kommunitas Official

Kommunitas is a decentralized crowdfunding ecosystem for web3.0 projects. We incubate and help web3.0 projects to grow and expand. https://kommunitas.net