[RECAP] AMA: Kommunitas x MetaShooter

8 min readJul 7, 2022


Here’s a full summary of MetaShooter AMA with Kommunitas. We dived deep into some insightful details on their Game Launch and NFTs.


Question 1: First of all, please introduce yourself to our community?

Mr. Richard: Hello guys, My name is Richard and I am the lead designer at MetaShooter. I worked for a couple of years as a UI/UX designer and helped businesses solve their problems by increasing conversations. But like 4 years ago I discovered the crypto space for myself and started to develop my skill here, supporting many crypto projects.

Mr. Antanas: My name is Antanas. I am CMO of this super exciting project. Worked in other crypto projects since 2017 ICO boom, was working in a several marketing agencies before. I gathered already more than 5 years experience, by adding huge value for team like each team member of MetaShooter.

Here we are again! haha

Question 2: Please share a few major milestones regarding MetaShooter game development and other milestones that MetaShooter has achieved so far?

Mr. Antanas: Thats a great question and happy to answer it

We are really happy to announce that the alpha version of our game was released on the 24th of June. Alpha version is exclusive for those who staked 300MHUNT for 3 or more months, for guild members and who will win NFT alpha key. In alpha, blockchain won’t be connected, but eatherways, there still will be a monetization option.

In total, we will release 3 missions. In the first mission you will be competing with players from all around the world to get as many points as possible in the training camp to win daily and weekly rewards for first three places, with the prize of $50 or $100 for first place. Another 2 missions are still a secret, but we will reveal it very soon.

Another great milestone would be that we reached over 50 partnerships already, each of these is not a thin air and gives actual value for project.

And lastly:

We have super exciting news upcoming! Because MetaShooter Alpha version is here we are launching our first in-game NFTs which will be needed to access all gameplay modes and monetization options. You will be able to get 6 in-game NFTs from one Mystery Box! The token and NFT utility will start soon so we are sure that you will see it. We already have 8k registered users on our game dashboard and more than 1.5M staked to play it.

Thats a lot of news since we met…

Mr. Richard:

The mystery box reveal will look like this!

Question 3: For the next question. What is your main goal for the game?

Mr. Richard: We saw many P2E games that are low-quality clickers. It is impossible with this type of game to transfer web2 gamers into a web3 P2E environment. One of the main goals is not only to solve mentioned problems but also to step up as a AAA game that knows the actual meaning of metaverse. We want to provide a unique and logical gameplay experience as the majority of other projects lack.

We provide such a game where players can actually play an exciting game and earn, not only to earn. We are willing to change the wrong perspective of p2e games!

Screenshot from the first mission

Question 4: How are NFT’s a part of MetaShooter? How can people get them and how can they be used?

Mr. Antanas: NFT is one of the major elements of our game, it helps us to create even more realistic hunting while each NFT trophy will have different value and characteristics. Sometimes players forgetting that all MetaShooter ecosystem is based on NFTs. Current Alpha version doesn’t require that, MetaShooter team wants to introduce community to hunting and let them to test it. Alpha version will remain for short time and already from Beta version all NFTs will be NEEDED.

In MetaShooter, NFTs are everything. License to play game is NFT, tournament tickets are NFTs as well. These things are your only gateway to enjoy the game.

In order to enjoy hunting, competitions, missions and get rewards you need to have equipment to play with.

Equipment can be determined as your gun, vehicles, consumables and extra equipment which all of those are NFTs. Better NFT equipment motivates players to progress in the game, receive better rewards and compete. With better NFT equipment, player can advance in game and continue its players path to best hunter. Additional equipment and better items provides ability to monetize game resources and earn more which is crucial part in p2e gaming.

Mr. Richard:

6 out of 39 different NFTs that you will be able to find in Mystery Box

BTW, our NFTs have animations!!!

Mr. Antanas: In MetaShooter, NFTs will have huge demand. All players will need them in order to monetize, progress and compete in the game. Better hunting NFTs are extremely limited, so make sure you get them first!

Question 5: Let’s talk about the token $MHUNT. How does the token function in MetaShooter?

Mr. Richard: That’s one of the major questions regarding every project!

In fact, $MHUNT token utility is actually huge, each in-game asset, reward, service fee, interest rate, percentage, etc… will be held and purchased on the $MHUNT token. There will be a staking method as I mentioned before, on top of that we have a burning mechanism on NFTs and $MHUNT tokens to keep our economy healthy. $MHUNT is the main fuel to power MetaShooter’s engine.

Question 6: Could you share the development status and progress of the project thus far? Including the major partners and perhaps some operational data.

Mr. Antanas: Actually, we already went way further than our estimated road map. We finished our private sale which was totally oversubscribed, we launched our token, developed users dashboard with staking option and NFT depositing, already delivered pre-Alpha game teasers, and we finalized our Alpha version with AI elements! Alpha version is exclusive for early investors and community.

Beta will be available in 2 months, which will be already available for the public. Full game will be available in 7–8 months (pc version and mobile). In the demo main features of hunting will be available already with token integrated and more missions with 3 regions unlocked. And in full version, players will have all gameplay modes, tournaments, battle royal’s, multiplayer and many other cool stuff with 50km2 of playing area (like gta5). The VR version and new gameplay modes should come after.

I hope guys you are patient for our upcoming updates, because it will be huge! We are already delivering!

Mr. Richard:


Question 1: Before we start playing MetaShooter, do you offer a preparation area where we can improve ourselves on hunting and test weapons and bullets? Can a user have a real hunting experience in MetaShooter?

Mr. Richard: Great question!

Yes, the first MetaShooter mission is made exactly for this! If you have the Alpha invitation key, you can join our game, enter the first mission and start training your skills, and get rewards for that!!!

Still, wondering how to join MetaShooter game? Here is the link for you with step-by-step instructions:


Question 2: Many NFT games today set high costs to start the game and therefore start with a small player base. Does your have an entrance fee or starting conditions & if so, what are they? Do I need to hold an NFT or certain amount of tokens in order to enjoy and play the game?

Mr. Antanas: To play our game you need to own NFTs, from the starters you need get hunting season pass, then you need some additional equipment to play with like guns, bullets and etc. Gaming budget is up to player, there is progress path to better equipment, but if you want to start stronger than others you can purchase higher tier equipment. In MetaShooter, NFTs will have huge demand. All players will need them in order to monetize, progress and compete in the game. You will be able to find these items in Mystery Box, NFTs are limited so make sure you get them before others.

Question 3: Security and anonymity are always prioritized by BlockChain projects in the development of project platforms and technologies. So, does you have any technological solutions or plans to enhance user trust in these issues?

Mr. Antanas: Yes, our both smart contracts (Token and NFT) are audited by socken.io, we user AMAZON AWS server system, anti-cheat systems and users dashboard where we confirm accounts.

Question 4: Can you list 1–3 killer features of this project that makes it ahead of its competitors? What is the competitive advantage your project has that you feel most confident about?

Mr. Richard: This is an easy one!

Our team really thought about each smallest part of the game. We have implemented RNG and AI technology in our game in order to be as realistic as possible and many more interesting features, but if you would like to hear only 3 of those, here they are:

- Open world (we have a 50km2 map size, which is equal to GTA5 map size)

- Actual utility of NFT (each and every asset in the game is NFT. Without NFTs, you won’t be able to enter and play the game)

- AAA type of game

Question 5: Do you have any Coin Burn / BuyBack systems or any Token Burn plans to increase the value of Token & attract Investors to invest?

Mr. Antanas: Yes we have, in few hours you will be able to see our NFT whitepaper where you will explore all utilities. Please follow updates.


Question 1: Which NFT asset should you have in order to play the Alpha game version?

Answer: Alpha invitation key

Question 2: How many different NFTs MetaShooter offer?

Answer: 39 different NFTs

Question 3: How many different NFTs will you get from one Mystery Box?

Answer: 6

Question 4: What is the map size of MetaShooter?

Answer: — Open world (we have a 50km2 map size, which is equal to GTA5 map size)

Question 5: If you want to use received NFTs in the game, you should ..

Answer: Merge wallet

MetaShooter Official Links

🔺Website: https://metashooter.gg
🔺Twitter: https://twitter.com/metashooter_gg
🔺Telegram Group Discussion: https://t.me/METASHOOTER_GG
🔺Telegram Announcement: https://t.me/METASHOOTER_GG_ANN
🔺Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC82FpbcY_C05XqQYaJobFyQ?app=desktop&huid=8lDpOzcu_qG_nBgYXU2tyQ




Kommunitas is a decentralized crowdfunding ecosystem for web3.0 projects. We incubate and help web3.0 projects to grow and expand. https://kommunitas.net