Brimstone Valorant Guide

Kompella Sharan
3 min readJun 8, 2024


Brimstone was the one of the first agents available from closed beta. He is a very beginner friendly Controller. Brimstone’s abilities kit is very simple to understand and execute. Let’s understand his kit and how to use it.


This is Brim’s main ability with which he can smoke the site as a Controller. Each round he can have a maximum of three smokes, of which he gets one for free each round and the other two needs to be purchased during the buy round. The smokes cannot be regained after a cooldown as in case with other Controllers like Omen or Astra. Main thing to note here is that the vision inside Brim’s smoke is very limited like I have shown in the video above unlike Omen’s or Astra’s smoke where you can see clearly. So, there is a chance that opponents could be hiding in the smoke or even you can hide in yours or opponent Brim’s smoke. We have to be careful while walking through the smoke. Equip to pull out a tactical map, Fire to set locations and Alt-Fire to confirm and launch. The tactical map is not a full map but covers upto a certain area only.

Cost: 100 Creds

Duration: 19.25 seconds


This the one of the ability with which Brim can damage. It can cause damage to allies and opponents. Equip to hold the grenade launcher and Fire to launch a grenade which bounces and comes to rest causing an area-of-effect damage. This can be really good to stop defuses or even to stop opponents from rushing to the site. There are different lineups you can use for each map which would be really helpful in clutch moments. There is only one grenade per round.

Cost: 250 Creds

Duration: 7 secs

Damage: 60 per second


This ability applies Combat Stim status effect to allies in the field. Equip to hold the Stim Beacon and Fire to throw it, which on landing creates a field. Allies or yourself in the field gain increased movement speed, weapon equip speed, reload speed and Rapid Fire(basically increases your rate of fire) buff. This can be really helpful if tossed during the start of the round to rush into the site.

Cost: 200 Creds

Duration: 12 seconds


This is Brim’s ultimate ability. A very good ability to gets kills when used effectively. Equip to pull out a tactical map and Fire to launch a lingering orbital strike laser at the selected location, dealing high damage continuously to players caught in the selected area. This can be used to stop plants or defuses. One good way would be to use Breach’s Stun along with Brim’s ultimate since his stun will immobilize opponents. This ability can be syngerziged with other agents effectively.

Ultimate Points: 8

Duration: 3 seconds

Damage: 20 per tick

Some scenarios on how to use him would be as follows,

Hope this article helped you to understand and get started with playing Brimstone!

