Top 10 Amazing Ways You’re Eating Breakfast Wrong Daily

kondal reddy
1 min readJan 22, 2018


Are you one for all those who enjoy in having a good breakfast before leave to work or to school. There is nothing better than that and we completely enjoy always in a good prepared breakfast. Though you may think you’re eating breakfast the right way however, there’s an even better way to eat your favorite foods.

1. You pour cereal from the box

Who’s idea was this? It’s a disaster waiting to happen. To prevent a mess and keep your serving size in check, use a measuring cup to scoop out cereal. If you eat cereal more often than you measure food, just leave the cup in the box.

2. You pour cereal before milk

This makes it hard to see how much milk you’re pouring, so you almost always end up with a pool of it at the bottom of the bowl. For a better cereal-to-milk ratio, pour the milk first and top with a scoop of cereal.

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