The Long-Awaited Return of Lara Croft: Tomb Raider Remastered 1–3 Starring Lara Croft

The beloved Tomb Raider franchise makes its grand return with the remastered editions of Tomb Raider I, II, and III.

Koneteo Stories
3 min readFeb 14, 2024

Scheduled for release on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, and PC on February 14, these revamped classics aim to capture the essence of the original games while introducing a new level of graphics.

Impressions from IGN journalists, who were fortunate enough to experience the remasters firsthand, have been shared in a video that showcases a compelling comparison between the remastered editions and the originals.

The remastered editions not only include the complete versions of the games but also bring along all the secret levels for modern platforms. Players can look forward to fully voiced dialogue and subtitles available in five languages, adding an immersive touch to the gameplay experience.

Compared to their predecessors, these remastered editions have received a lot of improvements, both in terms of visuals and functionality.

Enhanced mode offers crisper textures, better lighting, and a wider field of vision, breathing new life into the legendary Lara Croft’s adventures. Character models and enemy designs have also undergone changes, resulting in more detailed models and improved facial animations.

The remastered editions boast stunning 4K resolution, delivering an outstanding visual experience. Crucially, gamers can enjoy a stable 60 frames per second in both Classic and Advanced modes, ensuring a smooth gameplay experience with no drops in frame rate. It’s worth noting that the classic mode may exhibit a “variable frame rate” at times due to the legacy code of the original games, but fear not, it does not hinder the overall enjoyment.

Beyond the visual enhancements, the remastered editions offer players an array of new control options, including the ability to rotate the camera using the right analog stick. Exciting additions such as boss life bars, a photo mode for capturing stunning moments in-game, close to 300 trophies to challenge completionists, and a host of other small improvements further improve the already captivating gameplay experience.

As the reviews pour in, the remastered compilation has achieved an impressive average rating of 83 points out of 100 on OpenCritic, based on the first 18 reviews. The positive reception from critics is a testament to the dedicated work put into revitalizing these timeless classics.

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