[過氣影評]Joker 小丑 2019(帶劇透)


CH, Kong
11 min readMar 5, 2020


“ I used to think that my life was a tragedy, but now I realize, it’s a fucking comedy.” (Arthur Fleck)(華堅馮力士/瓦昆菲尼克斯,小丑Joker)
“ I used to think that my life was a tragedy, but now I realize, it’s a fucking comedy.” (Arthur Fleck)

Part 0|Introduction

這套電影為我帶來的強烈印象大概是:「Am I a joke to you? 」。這隱性的主旋律無聲無息地貫穿了整套電影,原來每個人都在問這個問題。由主角Arthur Fleck(Joaquin Phoenix華堅馮力士飾)因廣告牌而與老闆對質,或在診療室的對社工無助地道:「You don’t listen, do you?」,至結尾對Murry(直播主持)的指控 :「You just wanted to make fun of me.」;到地下鐵三人幫對主角洩憤;主角母親對Thomas Wayne的癡迷及她的自戀人格障礙;Thomas Wayne對Arthur Fleck這個不速之客的無奈;節目中的被吻的醫生和誠邀主角上節目的Murry;街頭無名無姓的示威者;一切一切,都是在問 — — 「Am…

