What is Social Media Depression, Frustration and Emotional Security?

konkan singha
4 min readMay 24, 2019

From Myspace, Orkut and Bebo in the early-2000s through to present day networks like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn and Snapchat, social media has forever changed the way we communicate.

With 91% of young human beings using the internet for social networking and rates of depression and tension in younger people has risen by greater than 70% in the past 25 years, talk of whether or not there is a link between social media use and depression is becoming more common.

Many Psychologists say there is some proof that the use of social media promotes an idealised image. ‘Facebook and Instagram may be associated with feelings of inadequacy or decreased self-esteem. These bad feelings are thought to return from a perceived loss of popularity while a post doesn’t receive “enough” likes.’

There is a common factor that gives rise to online depression and it is cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is widespread across the internet. People have complained of cyberbullying especially, the young generation feels the pressure of countering cyber bullies.

Characteristics of College Cyberbullies:

Cyberbullying is a more recent version of bullying that makes use of technology to harass. This study investigated the psychological symptomology, suicidal behaviours, aggressive tendencies, and unlawful behaviours of university cyberbullies.

· College students involved in cyberbullying had distress that is more psychological.

· College cyberbullies were higher in aggression and endorsed behaviours that are more suicidal.

· Cyberbully, victims admitted to committing more violent and drug crimes.

· This study provides support that like their victims, cyberbullies are distressed.

Characteristics of School cyberbullies:

  • Is easily angered
  • Is obsessed with explosives or weapons
  • Is obsessed with violent games, TV, or literature
  • Has parents who enable behaviour by either inaction or encouragement
  • Has no remorse for his or her actions
  • Has tendencies to “not care about schoolwork” and has grades that are lower than they should be
  • Blames others
  • Has deep depression with extreme mood swings
  • Has high frustration levels and poor coping skills
  • Is often violent, both with words and acts, and is the instigator of physical fights
  • Often resorts to name-calling makes violent threats, acts superior to others, and feels justified in his/her behaviour
  • Abuses drugs, alcohol, and other substances
  • Has threatened to commit or has attempted suicide
  • Has been suspended or expelled from school
  • Participates in gang activities
  • Is cruel to animals or destroys property
  • Is disrespectful to others, humiliates, and sets traps to embarrass
  • Glorifies violence and intimidates others
  • Has little or no support at home from caring adults
  • Peers are of the same tendencies or they isolate themselves
  • Has been personally abused or has witnessed abuse in the home

“So, is social media responsible for the rise in rates of depression and tension in young human beings?”

Reasons behind Social Media Frustration for Businesses.

· Limited reach: An ever-growing number of users and yet it is increasingly hard to reach anyone outside of your present network. Fact: Facebook customers with over 500 friends only actively communicate with among 10 to 20 people.

· Poor interaction: Although we reveal our lives, the quality of interactions have become poorer and much less personal. Fact: Eighty million photographs are published every day on Instagram, but the average engagement rate per post is 1.1%

· No financial reward: We spend a big amount of time on social media with only social gratitude as a result. Fact: Globally, digital customers are now spending an average of almost two hours per day on social networks and messaging.

Emotional Security and its effects:

Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature,
nor do the children of men as a whole experience it.
Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure.
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.
To keep our faces toward change and behave like free spirits
in the presence of fate is strength undefeatable.
— Helen Keller­­­­

Emotional security is the degree of the stability of an individual’s emotional state. Someone whose general happiness is not very shaken even by major disturbances in the sample or fabric in their life might be said to be extremely emotionally secure.

Here is how you can Solve the issues Mentioned above:

By the above specimens, we conclude that Social Media depression, frustration and cyberbullying are the present occurring trends we have to acknowledge on a daily basis. With more users being enrolled into the web of internet. These trends are alarmingly increasing and various companies are coming up with new technologies to maintain equilibrium on the activities of users online.

Brand Sapien provides an open window of a simple, secure ecosystem for all the problems a user faces online on a regular basis. Brand Sapien is delighted to solve all your existing problems in a single window. It will generate your professional scorecard, payment gateway, simple documentation, professional and casual interactions, official and non-official meetings, branding and advertisement, marketing and networking.

Brand Sapien ecosystem is a complete package of simple applications and their respective usage in terms of business, individual and an organisation as a whole.



konkan singha

Research-oriented, Blockchain, Fintech, Artificial Intelligence, Blogger