Why does Everybody wants to be Famous and Recognized?

konkan singha
5 min readJun 21, 2019

In a study in 2012 found out that a desire for fame solely for the sake of being famous was the most popular future goal among a group of 10–12 year olds, overshadowing hopes for financial success, achievement, and a sense of community. Which raises the question?

Why do people want to be famous?

1. Decide how famous you want to be. Fame comes at many different levels. For instance, you could be famous in your school or workplace. You could be famous in your hometown or your state. Alternatively, you could go for ultimate fame and attempt to be famous around the world. Each of these has its own unique pros and cons, so it is up to you to decide how much fame you want.

2. Create a unique solution to a problem. Think about the problems in your life and in the world around you. If you can come up with a unique solution or a unique invention, you may become famous for it.

  • For example, Marie Curie became famous as a scientist and inventor of the X-ray.
  • Think about problems in your life. Maybe you are always late, or you hate having to hunt around for your shoes every day. What solutions could you come up with to help yourself and others with these problems?

3. Stand out from other people. Sometimes, you will be noticed for just being yourself, if you have a unique way of doing things or a unique way of looking at the world. The key is to go your own way and be just who you are. You should not change how you do things just because you do them in a unique or odd way.

  • Break away from stereotypes. If you love to skateboard, find your own unique tricks. Instead of going for a typical “skater” look, find your own flair.

4. Audition for a reality show. Another way people become famous is by going on reality shows. You do not necessarily need a talent to get on a reality show, though in some cases, you will need one, such as with singing shows. Look on the shows’ websites to find out where and when you can audition.

  • Generally, it helps to be enthusiastic when you audition, particularly about the show.
  • Keep in mind, on reality competition shows, the judges may be tough or mean. Do not take it too personally, though. It’s a part of the show

5. Be generous in a unique way. While this may seem counter-intuitive, some people become famous by doing something for other people in an unusual way. It could be making a large donation, but you could also just raise money in some way that is out of the ordinary.

  • For instance, one man, Si Burgher had famously long eyebrows, nearly 3 inches (7.6 cm)! When friends suggested he let people shave them off to raise money for charity, he agreed and became famous in his hometown of Bloomfield, Indiana.
  • For example, you could make it your goal to bake and sell a million brownies to raise money for a cause.

6. Work on a world record. Another way you might become famous is by breaking a world record. Read the world records, and figure out if you could work on one to break.

  • Keep in mind, your world record will likely need to be verified by a Guinness Book of World Record’s official. Moreover, to truly get famous this way, you need to pick a record that people care about, rather than just any record.

7. Pick a talent. If you are naturally talented at something, that is a good place to start. However, the talent you pick should also be something you enjoy. You are going to spend many, many hours working on this talent, so if you do not enjoy it, you are going to be miserable. In addition, people can tell when passion drives your talent or skill, and it will be easier to become famous.

  • Think about artistic careers like music, acting, writing, or painting. Keep in mind, though, you will have to sell yourself in any of these fields and build a name for yourself.
  • We associate careers in the arts, such as actors and musicians, with fame, but any public figure qualifies as famous. Politicians, football coaches, local business owners, and even meteorologists are recognizable in the grocery store.

Why is Recognition a cornerstone for Human Self-Esteem?

We all need to be recognized. It is not a matter of pride, selfishness, or immaturity. Human beings, from the earliest moments in their lives, absolutely need respect and affection from everyone around them, which is where we implicitly find that sincere recognition towards us as people.

Our value as a loved, cared for human being is recognized. Our virtues and our ability to move forward and achieve things are recognized. Our ability to be happy, with maturity and integrity. The strength of those close connections gives us confidence and helps us to grow. Our parents and our family are the first social circle responsible for giving us recognition, respect, and affection.

If we are recognized and respected, our self-esteem blossoms. Nevertheless, be careful! Just as we accept it, it is also essential to know how to offer recognition to others: “I value you as a person; I appreciate you and believe in you. I know what you are capable of and I respect you for that. You are part of my life.”

Today, let us talk about that. Let us dig deeper into the concept of recognition.

Recognition and self-esteem

First of all, let us remind ourselves of all those pillars that form the foundation of our self-esteem:

  1. Respect for oneself: Indispensable. If you do not even value yourself and recognize yourself as a capable and important person, we have nothing. Love always starts with one’s own person. If I value myself and am able to see all of my virtues and my right to be happy, I will be capable of almost anything.
  2. Self-confidence: I am aware of my abilities and my limitations. I trust in myself to move forward with balance and security all along my life path. If I do not have confidence in myself, I lose control of my life. On the other hand, what is worse, I leave it in the hands of others.
  3. The responsibility to have control over our own lives: You are the captain of your ship. You are not a cabin boy and definitely not a stowaway. It is necessary that we know from very early on how to make our own decisions, how to value ourselves more as people and to be brave.
  4. The belief that we are appreciated: Never look at your life from a perspective of loss, but always with one of possibility. One of ability. Recognize your virtues, your strengths, never your weak points. We are all allowed to be happy in this complex life; all that is required is assurance in oneself and courage. Never think that others are more deserving than you, or this will be the moment when you start to build walls up around your life.

Do not make this mistake.



konkan singha

Research-oriented, Blockchain, Fintech, Artificial Intelligence, Blogger