Tensorflow Summary API V2

Konpat Ta Preechakul
3 min readJul 8, 2018


Following the announcement in Tensorflow Dev Summit 2018 in Eager Execution part: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8AW0fKP0Hs&vl=en

It suggests that we should use tf.contrib.summary . Here is the link to the documentation https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/contrib/summary

To me, it is not a very good documentation and hard to follow. I have here some example codes to guide you to the new summary API.

I will try to cover both modes, eager and graph. I shall stick with the graph mode and then add some notes for the eager mode.

Overall code template will be put at the end of this article.

Creating the summary writer

This is the same with both graph mode and eager mode.

Since the new summary API is very context based, I think it is a good practice to separate graph for each summary writer.

Initializing the summary:

import tensorflow as tfsave_path = 'logs'
graph = tf.Graph()
with graph.as_default():
global_step = tf.train.create_global_step()
writer = tf.contrib.summary.create_file_writer(save_path)
with writer.as_default():

Now, we have graph and writer .

Note: I usually also create a global_step with the creation of graph. Which is very convenient because the summary writer will automatically utilize it. You don’t really need to keep the global_step though, you can always get it from tf.train.get_global_step() given that you properly set the default graph.

Preparing the dataset and creating the model

This is not the main topic of this article though, but for the sake of expressiveness I found it useful for explanation.

First we prepare the dataset, I will demonstrate with tf.data.Dataset here.

with graph.as_default():
# dataset
data = ... some tf.data.Dataset ...
data_itr = data.make_initializable_iterator()
x, y = data_itr.get_next() # x is feature, y is label

Note that in eager mode you don’t need the make_initializable_iterator() because the dataset is itself iterable. That means in eager you don’t need get_next() as well.

At the time we define model, we add something to summary

The following code is in graph mode:

with graph.as_default():
with writer.as_default():
# let's say we have "net" as our model
prediction_op = net(x)
loss_op = tf.losses.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy(y, prediction_op)
opt_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(0.001).minimize(

with tf.contrib.summary.record_summaries_every_n_global_steps(1):
tf.contrib.summary.scalar('loss', loss_op)

summary_op = tf.contrib.summary.all_summary_ops()

You see that we use tf.contrib.summary.record_summaries_every_n_global_steps (https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/contrib/summary/record_summaries_every_n_global_steps) to log anything inside the context manager every “n” steps.

In eager you might consider creating a function for running in each iteration like so:

def train(net, optimizer, x, y):
with tf.contrib.eager.GradientTape() as tape:
prediction = net(x)
loss = tf.losses.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy(y, prediction)

grads = tape.gradient(loss, net.variables)
grads_vars = zip(grads, net.variables)

# here is how you log every step (n=1)
with tf.contrib.summary.record_summaries_every_n_global_steps(1):
tf.contrib.summary.scalar('loss', loss)

return loss

At the time of running

Here is the code for graph mode:

with graph.as_default():
with writer.as_default():
with tf.Session() as sess:
# initialize the summary
# init vars
# init iterator
# run
while True:
_, _, loss = sess.run([
summary_op, opt_op, loss_op
except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError:

Two things to keep in mind:

  • tf.contrib.summary.initialize(graph=...) — You can supply “None” to the graph (leave it blank), it won’t save the graph to the Tensorboard. However, this option won’t have any effect in the eager mode anyway (since it doesn’t really construct a graph)
  • You need to run tf.contrib.summary.all_summary_ops() which will actually write the summary. However, you don’t need this for eager mode since it’s executed in real time anyway

To summarize

  • Create a summary writer under a graph, and use that graph throughout
  • Define what you want to include in the summary and how frequent
  • Initialize the summary (you might supply the graph here if you want to get the “Graph” page in Tensorboard, won’t work in eager)
  • In graph mode, also run tf.contrib.summary.all_summary_ops() to actually write the summary

An example of graph mode

An example of eager mode



Konpat Ta Preechakul

A graduate student in Machine Learning seeking revolutionary intelligent machines