Konrad: The Asset Tokenization Platform Raw Material Investors Have Been Waiting For

3 min readMay 27, 2019


Investors of raw materials, listen up. We’re in on how volatile and illiquid your assets can often be, and understand the pains you have to go through just to have the valuations of your assets accurately assessed. Something else we’re also aware of is that as much as many of you are keen in participating in new technology and having your asset tokenized for a good measure, such platforms for the raw material trade are few and far between.

Is Konrad What You’ve Been Looking For? We’ll Let You Make The Call On That.

Here at Konrad, we believe in transforming this traditional space by offering the tools and convenience you deserve. Investing in raw materials isn’t just a vanilla game in this day and age; asset fractionalization, tokenization, valuation, real-time trading and adjustment of trading volume are all areas ready to be explored; and the key to this door can be found with a gentle touch on the Konrad interface.

Our Primary Goal — Making Investments Viable for You

Konrad is primarily a digitalised platform that provides asset auditing, registration and trading services, and is dedicated to facilitating real-world asset registration and transition into digital assets so that investments can be made easily viable for you.

Thanks to the traceable, programmable and immutable nature of distributed networks, asset tokenization allows for division, transfer and valuation adjustment in a more liquid environment on a higher physical level while guaranteeing the uniqueness and the authority of the assets. In this context, Konrad’s digitalized platform will provide you with asset tokenization services that are specifically tailored to cater to raw material assets, hence enhancing their liquidity in the market.

As a subscriber of Konrad, you would gain immediate access to three immaculate platforms curated specifically to your needs as an investor of raw materials.

Konrad Asset Valuation and Auditing Platform: Accurate valuation is one of the most crucial part of your trade and we understand that. The Konrad Asset Valuation and Auditing Platform is an off-chain service that performs due diligence procedures and prepares necessary valuation and audits for tokenization, all so you don’t have to.

Tokenization and Redemption Platform: Being able to find comfort and reliability in the connection between your physical and digital asset is so important, especially when it’s such a new concept for this specific genre of investment. The Konrad Tokenization and Redemption Platform maps your physical asset to your digital asset with an offering, and offers the simultaneous ability to redeem your physical assets using its digital copy as well.

Konrad Exchange Platform: Of course, with one of its core features being a decentralized exchange platform, Konrad is extremely adept at facilitating trades for your tokenized assets and distributing relays.

First Application Case: Pisgah Crater Project

Konrad’s very first application case is already well underway — it will be creating an asset register for ores mined in the Pisgah Crater Project, both offline and on the blockchain. Through this project, Konrad aims to construct a digital economy on a decentralised platform, hence providing viable solutions to problems such as long return cycles and a lack of transparency and liquidity.

By leveraging on the immutability and transparency of the distributed ledger, we will be able to register and store crucial information, including lab reports on ore composition, valuation and audit reports as well as its corresponding hash values in the block generated for tokenized assets. In addition, Konrad requires the Pisgah Crater Project to publish monthly reports to guarantee the cashability and payment capability of the asset tokens issued, hence providing a transparent yet effective value transfer network for all stakeholders within the ecosystem.

Token Sale Event

As of press time, Konrad has successfully completed its cornerstone investment phase and is currently in the midst of its private sale window. Investors can expect the launch of the Pisgah Project on the Konrad platform during the 4th quarter of 2019.

To find out more about Konrad, check out its socials at:

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5148889.0

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KonradPlatform/

Medium: https://medium.com/@konradholdings/

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Konrad_Official/

Telegram: https://t.me/konrad_En

Twitter: https://twitter.com/KonradHolding

Website: https://www.konrad.holdings/

Weibo: https://www.weibo.com/7041318945/profile?topnav=1&wvr=6&is_all=1




Konrad is an asset valuation, tokenization and trading platform based on blockchain technology.