2 Months in London — Time Matters

Konstantinos Bogis
4 min readNov 21, 2017


Gosh! It’s been two months already!

It seems like yesterday when I was leaving Athens, mid September, when it was still summery and now here we are… Christmas is Coming!

Regent Street London — Christmas is here!

Disclaimer as always: Forgive my non-native English. This is leisure, not a Cambridge speech, for Her Majesty’s s(h)ake!

What is T.I.M.E to you? Time Is My Edge, if used properly that is!

Time can be many things in the same…time!

It can be an asset, it can be a healer, it can be a friend when on your side or an enemy when against you! One thing is certain…

Time is a teacher!

As time goes by, hopefully, we are getting exposed to new experiences, new people or new projects we may stumble upon. As the ancient greek saying goes “We are all getting older, while being taught all the time”!

Go ahead and read my lessons learned in the last couple of months.

No worries it won’t take much of your time! :P

Let’s kick it!

Time Flies

As already discussed above, I am still amazed how quickly those two months passed by!

I am sure you get the same feeling occasionally. Especially during weekends or holidays.

Have you ever wondered why does this happen?

It’s because you are enjoying it! It’s because you do what you like most! It’s because you feel free!

Doing what you like is freedom!

Liking what you do is happiness!

As long as you incorporate things you like throughout your day, time passes effortlessly.

Take a walk to the park during lunch break, see a friend for a cup of coffee or speak (not text) with her over the phone during a coffee break, go to your favorite restaurant! Rejuvenate yourself!

Right after work, you can go to a nearby meet-up or a free seminar. Go to the theatre or hit the gym. Study a new book at home or cook your favorite meal. You name it!

Invite people to join! Never eat alone!

Just don’t live only for the weekend, would you please?

Hummer Limo Oxford Street — Had a looooooooooong weekend?

It’s math! Why “wasting” five days per week and doing what you love only during the leftover two? That doesn’t seem quite balanced right? Just add things you love during weekdays and throw away that TV please!

Please don’t get started with “All-that-staff-costs-a-lot” excuse!

When was the last time a walk in the park, going to the gym, a phone call or reading a book cost a fortune? Even if it did, as long as it is for your self-development or wellbeing it truly worths every penny!

Time is a Matter of Perspective

The first thing you notice when in London is that everybody moves fast! In the subway, on the pavements, everywhere!

I ‘m telling you these people don’t walk! They fly!

Tottenham Court Road Subway — People have already flown!

Unavoidably, you will bump into someone someday. Most of them are quite polite, to be honest, and ask for an apology. But one day I overheard someone of those “aviators” whispering while flying over us:

“Oh come on, I don’t have all the time in the world”!

Well, mate, you may think you don’t! Have you checked your time wasters lately?

There are those big black holes of time called time wasters, which suck huge amounts of time every day, into their abyss!

How many times did you check your Facebook app today? How many hours on Instagram? How many videos watched on Youtube? Not to mention that TV again!

Time is finite! That’s why it is so much precious! Unfortunately, we all have only 24hours every single day! Fortunately, what we do with them is up to us entirely!

Gain Some Time Back

We live in the mobile internet era and apps can make you or break you!

All those apps have been worked out amazingly by their producers and marketeers in order to be highly addictive and of course, make good money on you! All they ask is your constant attention and time!

Time IS money after all, huh?

If not willing or ready to delete all those infamous apps but still willing to set a limit on your time wasters, use an application (tragic irony indeed) called “app detox”.

You can set a time limit per day per app, or a number of times to login in some others etc! Very useful tool for mobile app addicts like me — confess my child!

It’s ok! No one is perfect but we should always try our best!

Use your time wisely friends!

Instead of apps, use your mobile for capturing some great moments like this:

Carnaby London — Meet some friends, strengthen your relationships!

I told you this would be quick… Your time matters!

If you found the above informative, helpful, or even entertaining spread the love or drop me a line here and we can talk further!

I would love to hear your time wasters or ways for gaining time in the comments below, as well!

Until next time!

Take care :)

