Historical mystery: How did Alexander the Great conquer the world?

A brief history
4 min readApr 7, 2023


Alexander III of Macedon, also known as Alexander the Great, was one of the most famous conquerors in history. By the age of 32, he had conquered almost all of the known world, which then amounted to about 2 million square kilometers. How did he achieve such a great feat? This remains a debated question that still attracts the attention of researchers, historians, archaeologists, and simply history enthusiasts. In this article, we will examine the life and conquests of Alexander the Great and try to solve his secrets and mysteries.

Childhood and youth of Alexander the Great

Alexander III of Macedon was born on July 20, 356 BCE, in Pella, Macedonia. His father, Philip II, was the king of Macedonia, and his mother, Olympias, was the daughter of the king of Epirus. From birth, Alexander was the promised heir to his father's throne and received education from one of the greatest scholars of his time, Aristotle. Alexander was taught to learn everything that was known about the art of war and politics, as well as the management of the state.

When Alexander was 16 years old, Philip II sent him to govern Macedonia in his absence. Alexander proved himself as a capable military leader and manager, which was confirmed in 334 BCE when he set out on a campaign in Persia.

Campaign in Persia

The campaign in Persia was the culmination of Alexander the Great's career and one of the most significant episodes in human history. When Philip II was killed in 336 BCE, Alexander, taking up his father's banner, quickly dealt with internal problems and began mobilizing troops to conquer Persia.

In 334 BCE, Alexander landed on the southern shore of the Black Sea with an army of 35,000 men and 7,000 horses. He won his first important battle in Granicus, where he defeated the troops of Persian king Darius III. Then Alexander moved westward, which led him to the territory of modern-day Turkey, where the Battle of Issus took place. This battle brought Alexander his final victory over Darius III.

After Persia was conquered, Alexander the Great behaved peacefully in Persia, he did not destroy the population, but on the contrary, encouraged cultures and brought them to Greece. He preserved the local administrative elite and introduced a new acceptable form for local residents. It is likely that this contributed to the fact that representatives of the Persian aristocracy correctly evaluated the new administrative-economic policy and the conditions that had developed in the occupied lands.

Conquest of Asia

After the conquest of Persia in 330 BCE, Alexander the Great moved forward. He conquered India, defeated Indian moguls and established his borders directly on the border with the great Chinese empire. During this campaign, Alexander the Great overcame many obstacles and experienced incredible difficulties, but he was able to conquer all these lands thanks to his skill and calculation.

The mystery of his success lies in the unique combination of such qualities as leadership, courage, wisdom, and tactical gift, as well as the fact that he had a strong spirit and was willing to risk everything to achieve his goals. Let's take a closer look at how Alexander the Great formed his enormous army and the methods he used to achieve success on the battlefield.

Formation of the army

Alexander the Great formed his army primarily from people who wanted to receive a rich reward for their service and in their lives. He found a certain way of motivating troops, which allowed them to fight like real lions in battle. Alexander the Great believed that serving in the army should be a top priority, and that everyone should do everything in their power to protect their land and their army. In his youth, he received education that made him a knowledgeable connoisseur of military science and strategy.

He also gained strong personal influence over his soldiers, making them believe in his greatness and talking to them before battles. His personal charm and persuasiveness were among the key factors in his success.



A brief history

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