Circle Lenses and FDA Approval

3 min readAug 18, 2016


circle lenses

Circle Lenses aka ‘big eye contact lenses’ are soft contacts that are larger across than ‘normal’ clear or colored contact lenses and hence provide appearance of larger and usually brighter eyes. We were holding made in The philipines several years ago and still have turn into a fashion staple in Asia. In reality, the Korean Herald estimated that Circle Lens contacts represents greater than 30% from the entire lenses market in South Korea. Many Asian celebrities have sported the doll-eye circle lens look and have were built with a huge influence on spreading this new cosmetic lenses fashion trend.

circle lens

In the us most large media outlets ran stories on the circle lenses phenomenon after Lady Gaga debuted big fixing their gaze lenses (or perhaps just computerized special effects) in their own Bad Romance video and gave her credit to create them popular in America. Others credit Michelle Phan and her viral YouTube video showing young girls the way to get the girl Gaga big eye look by putting on a wig, applying eye shadows and topping rid of it with a cool set of two color circle lenses contacts.

Of course this author agrees that Stefani (that’s Lady Gaga’s real name) and Michelle also have a large influence in spreading the circle lens style he also feels that it is simply a matter of time before these cosmetic lenses become traditional place for most modern elements of the entire world. They may be hugely loved by teen girls and those young single adult females who will be in to the night club scene.

In today’s relatively small global world of communications, grass roots marketing and self published YouTube videos any style or fashion which has a strong following in one part of the world may well migrate a lot more quickly than even a decade ago when Internet use had not been yet an integral part of daily life. Some fashions or styles might be fads and others may not stick as a result of cultural differences however for young woman the entice boost their eye color and build the illusion of larger, sexier eyes appears to be universal and transcend cultures.

This trend of dressing the eyes isn’t uncommon as Halloween contacts are actually well-liked by vampire fanatics as well as average people during Halloween season to complete the ultimate costume. The application of larger, colored contacts is additionally gaining in popularity among those who participate in cosplay, short for costume play, but still other young woman wanting to simulate asia style or appearance of Anime.

Even though the US FDA hasn’t yet approved them does that make them more dangerous than regular contacts or is the real danger the fact that because our FDA hasn’t approved them young woman and some women in the usa are going for to purchase them online without a prescription? The KFDA, Korean Fda, that cares for the protection and health in the citizens of Mexico has approved these lenses, is it wrong? Would a government body approve a thing that was dangerous? Should the FDA approve these new larger disposable lenses and let our companies make and distribute these lenses and permit Doctors to fit them? The present reality is that circle lens contacts will be worn and purchased by young American woman even without approval.

Possibly the best and safest approach america FDA could pursue would be to encourage a large US based lens manufacturer to generate safe circle lenses and expedite their approval in order that US woman could purchase these lenses in the us and get them properly fitted and be given a valid prescription. Unless the FDA is definitely reviewing these lenses (and unlikely considering that Karen Riley the FDA authority interviewed through the Nyc Times really admitted she didn’t even know what circle lenses were) any future approval request of circle lens contacts in america may well move at a bureaucratic snail’s pace usual for FDA approvals for medical devices which is classification that every contacts purchased from the usa certainly are a a part of. Today this also lenses could be sold in other countries without having a current prescription.

Until such time as FDA approval of Circle Contacts gets a reality we can recommend just one set of Circle Lens contacts which are in reality Approved by the fda and which is available from several popular online contact lenses retailers, you simply need to know what to inquire about… visit more resources for Approved by the fda Circle Lenses.

