4 PILLARS OF A GREAT SCHOOLHave you ever asked yourself why is my children school so subpar even though you are paying a premium price to attend? The operations are…Dec 22, 2024Dec 22, 2024
SIGNS YOU ARE A FOUNTAIN PEN FANATICYou love introducing people to fountain pens.Oct 14, 2022Oct 14, 2022
TEACH YOUR CHILD WHAT IS OR WHAT IT SHOULD BE?A child is playing sports with his friend and his friend cheats to win or he’s playing games with his friend and his friend uses his…Oct 14, 2022Oct 14, 2022
THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A GOOD COMPANY AND A GOOD INVESTMENTTo have a successful investment, that GOOD STOCK has to come at a GOOD PRICE as well. If you get a good stock at a bad price (overpriced)…Oct 14, 2022Oct 14, 2022
MARKET PREDICTABILITY IS AN OXYMORONTrying to time the market CONSISTENTLY is a fool’s errand.Oct 14, 2022Oct 14, 2022