Photo Credit: Erik Mclean


Kevin C. Grant
1 min readSep 8, 2021


The butcher.

the cow.

Guilt for being born,

They share more than a tether of victim and attacker.

Born to kill,

Else be killed.

Chopped then screwed,

Crown thyself king,

Else be coup’d.

Let them tell it, it was in hopes of being “woo’ed”

Ships bombard the coasts,

Set fire and let ’em burn.

Blood lust,

Non-consensual cherries popped.

Pro choice. No choice.

Green pastures behind unseen wires,

Dead dreams hang from trees and barbed wires,

strange fruit, makes for strange smells in the air.

Cause for concern, not for skins that burn.

Bullets butcher like knives do, rope is a good tool of the trade too.

Ahhhh, but man is the composer.

Destroy and desecrate, then cover it up,

the future people don’t need to learn

who we really were.

Wash those dark narratives in white.

Tie -dye the differences,

What’s the difference?

Inhumane humans only see products.

Calves and a cast of human actors.



Kevin C. Grant

At the intersection of weird and wise… From where they make gumbo at to the city of Angels.