Einstein’s Perspective on Big Ideas and Industry Innovation

Fabian Owuor
3 min readMay 23, 2024


Albert Einstein once famously said, “If you can’t explain it to a six-year-old, you don’t understand it yourself.” This quote encapsulates the essence of his belief that complex ideas must be distilled into their simplest forms to be truly comprehensible and useful. This principle is not only applicable to scientific theories but also profoundly relevant in today’s industrial landscape. By breaking down big ideas into simpler, more digestible components — akin to how a child thinks — we can unlock innovation and create new opportunities. This concept can be metaphorically linked to apple trees: just as shaking an apple tree causes apples to fall, so too can simplifying and breaking down complex ideas reveal new opportunities and pathways for growth.

Child-Like Thinking: A Catalyst for Innovation

Einstein’s approach to thinking emphasized clarity and simplicity. Children have an innate ability to ask fundamental questions and see things from a fresh perspective, unburdened by preconceived notions and biases. This child-like curiosity is a powerful tool in industries where complex problems often require innovative solutions. By encouraging employees to adopt a mindset of simplicity and curiosity, businesses can foster an environment where creative solutions are more likely to emerge.

For instance, in the tech industry, complex algorithms and advanced technologies often overshadow basic user needs. Companies like Apple have thrived by focusing on simplicity. Steve Jobs famously advocated for products that were intuitive and easy to use, much like how a child interacts with the world. This philosophy has led to groundbreaking products that revolutionized the industry.

The Apple Tree Metaphor: Shaking Out Opportunities

Einstein’s ideas can be extended through the metaphor of apple trees. Industries are like apple trees, full of potential opportunities (apples) waiting to be discovered. However, these opportunities often remain hidden amidst the foliage of complexity and convention. By ‘shaking the tree’ — challenging existing norms and simplifying processes — industries can reveal these hidden opportunities.

Consider the renewable energy sector. Traditional energy industries are entrenched in complex infrastructure and regulatory frameworks. By simplifying the approach to energy production and consumption, companies can identify and seize new opportunities. For example, the rise of solar power and wind energy can be seen as a result of simplifying energy generation: harnessing natural, readily available resources straightforwardly. We can further extend this to ensure families can now generate energy and pass the excess to the grid.

Photo by Skye Studios on Unsplash

Practical Applications: How Industries Can Benefit

  1. Tech Industry: Simplifying user interfaces and focusing on core functionalities can make technology more accessible. This approach not only enhances user experience but also broadens the market reach.
  2. Healthcare: Breaking down complex medical data into understandable insights can improve patient care and foster preventive healthcare practices. Wearable health tech is a prime example of how simplifying health monitoring can lead to widespread adoption and better health outcomes.
  3. Education: Simplifying educational content and leveraging intuitive teaching methods can enhance learning. Educational technology platforms that use gamification and interactive learning models are shaking the traditional education tree, revealing new ways to engage and educate students.
  4. Manufacturing: Adopting lean manufacturing principles, which emphasize simplicity and efficiency, can reduce waste and increase productivity. This approach has been pivotal in the success of companies like Toyota, which revolutionized the automotive industry through its Toyota Production System.

Einstein’s belief in the power of simplicity is a timeless lesson for industries striving for innovation and growth. By breaking down big ideas into their simplest forms and viewing problems through a child-like lens, businesses can uncover new opportunities akin to shaking an apple tree and collecting the ripe fruits of innovation. Embracing this mindset can lead to breakthroughs that not only advance individual companies but also drive entire industries forward.



Fabian Owuor

I'm a Blockchain Developer and DeFi Expert, backed by extensive experience as a Laravel Developer and adept in Project Management.