Milkis Apple, Childhood Favorite With a Twist

Sam P
3 min readMar 23, 2023


I ran out of money for Starbucks…

Epic Backstory

Milkis is a South Korean soft drink. The original tastes like carbonated Yakult and it also comes in a larger serving size than those tiny shot sized Yakult bottles.

Exhibit A: Yakult

tiny bottle

I have been enjoying Milkis since my childhood as it satisfies my sweet tooth. I have seen the other flavors on store shelves for a while but never bothered to try them. Since I started reviewing I thought I would give it a try.

Also a funny story is that I shorted out my keyboard while playing Minecraft because I spilled this drink onto the keyboard.

In order to get this drink I hiked three mountains twice the size of Everest, fought four tigers at once and solved a riddle to obtain the Apple flavor.


I made a bit of an oopsie here

WOW it looks like a soda can! How avant-garde..

I did a great job with this photo didn’t I? Although its a bit edgy. There is quite a bit of skin that is revealed.

So the can itself is long and thin and holds 250mL of soda. This shape is not used by many American soda companies because it does not hold enough liquid. This size in Korea is equivalent to the 355mL can. It is interesting how the target audience changes the look of products isn’t it?

The art on the front is extremely unique and is appreciated because cans used by other sodas like Coca-Cola just has fancy letters on the front. This can design is like a breath of fresh air. The design itself is kind of a retro styling which is really accentuated by the font of the logo. The color green on the can to differentiate itself from the original flavor which has a blue can. However, this can design is not one that stands out. Other soda cans have bright bold colors all around like Coke’s red and Fanta’s bright orange.


I forgot to take a picture of the liquid inside… It was milky and thats all I can really say.

You may have to end up taking a closer look at grocery store shelves in order to find this hidden gem. Overall, this can receives a rating of being unique doesn’t mean it’s good.


This drink tastes WIERD. I like it but it is WIERD. It is difficult to describe but to give a bit of context it contains skim milk powder. There is a hint of the aftertaste of milk but instead of being the aftertaste it is the main flavor here. The soda itself is also extremely sweet and it tastes just as sweet if not sweeter than Coke. The apple flavoring just tastes is like the apple flavored dum-dum. It tastes fake. This is most likely due to the fact that sugar is one of the first ingredients. It is closer to candy apple than apple.

Overall, the apple flavoring is a nice twist to the original. It gives the consumer another compelling option if they ever get tired for the original. I rate this drink nice with nostalgia.


Milkis is one of my childhood favorites and the apple flavor is a nice add on to the lineup.

I would like to point out that this specific can is the one made to be distributed in the United States and I do not know if the one in South Korea tastes any different.

If you want to really ride the Hallyu wave and be very epic you should give it a try. I must warn you that many of my American friends did not like it so definitely try just one. I also recommended that you try the original first so you get a nice starting point. You wouldn’t recommend Cherry Coke first to someone who has never tried Coke right? (If you do you are a monster)

Until next time!

The End

Thank you for reading!



Sam P

Food reviews, marine, code. What else do you need?