Fun with Stamps. Episode 13. Method collision control

Vasyl Boroviak
4 min readFeb 14, 2017

Hello. I’m developer Vasyl Boroviak and welcome to the thirteenth episode of Vasyl Boroviak presents Fun with Stamps.


You can forbid method overwrite (aka override, aka collision). Also, you can collect collided methods to a single method.

Protecting a method from overwrites / overrides / collisions

Very often people are asking:

How to avoid method overwrites/overrides/collisions using stamps?

A usual answer was:

Your stamp is too fat!

But blaming the code author instead of giving a solution is a bad approach. So, now you can setup your stamp and make sure none else overrides your method implementation.

Quick example:

import Collision from '@stamp/collision';const HasPassword = compose({
methods: {
getPassword() { ... },
setPassword(pwd) { ... }
.compose(Collision) // ADD BEHAVIOR (AKA STAMP)
.collisionSetup({ forbid: ['getPassword'] }); // SET IT UP

From now on, if anyone or anything would try to override the getPassword then an exception will be thrown. For example:

const DatabaseClient = compose(
console.log(DatabaseClient.getPassword()); // 1234
const HackedDbClient = DatabaseClient
methods: {
getPassword() { return 'try to hack database client'; }

In practice you might want a general purpose stamps (aka behaviors) like this:

const ForbidRedrawCollision = 
Collision.collisionSetup({ forbid: ['redraw'] });

You can compose it with any other stamp to protect its redraw() method from overwrites.

Protecting ALL methods form overwrites / overrides / collisions

Just use the collisionProtectAnyMethod() static method.

const HasReadonlyPassword = Collision.compose({
methods: {
getPassword() { ... },
setPassword(pwd) { ... }

Done! No any method of this stamp, or any stamp it was composed with, can be overridden now.

Allowing overwrites / overrides / collisions of all methods

Sometimes, you might want to actually override a collision-protected method. E.g. in your unit tests. There is a special API for that — collisionSettingsReset().

In this example we will allow overrides of the HasReadonlyPassword methods above.

let getPasswordInvoked = false;

const Mocked = HasReadonlyPassword
.collisionSettingsReset() // Allow overrides back again
.compose({ methods: {
getPassword() {
getPasswordInvoked = true;

Mocked().setPassword('42'); // setPassword calls getPassword

console.log(getPasswordInvoked) // true

Deferring (or aggregating) collided methods

Another feature of the Collision stamp is deferred methods. Meaning that if several deferred methods collide they will be aggregated to a single method which will wrap the methods array and call them one by one.

import Collision from '@stamp/collision';// General purpose behavior to defer "draw()" method collisions
const DeferDraw = Collision.collisionSetup({defer: ['draw']});

const Border = compose(DeferDraw, {
methods: {
draw() { /* implementation */ }
const Button = compose(DeferDraw, {
methods: {
draw() { /* implementation */ }
const ModalDialog = compose(Border, Button);
const dialog = ModalDialog();
// Call the "draw()" method of both Border and Button

Private method which is forbidden to override

From the Episode 12 you know that you can privatize properties and methods of a stamp.

import Privatize from '@stamp/privatize';
import compose from '@stamp/compose';
const Password = compose({
properties: {
password: '12345qwert'
methods: {
getPassword() {
return this.password;
setPassword(pwd) {
this.password = pwd;
.compose(Privatize) // Privatizing all the properties by default
.privatizeMethods('getPassword'); // Privatize the method
const obj = Password();

However, anyone can accidentally override your private methods!

Password = Password.compose({
methods: {
getPassword() { /* it's a mistake :-( */ },
setPassword() { /* it's a mistake :-( */ }

This is not private enough. In terms of Java/C# they are more like protected methods.

Good news though! You can combine both Collision and Privatize stamps to get really private methods. :)

import Collision from '@stamp/collision';Password = Password.compose(Collision).collisionSetup({
forbid: ['getPassword', 'setPassword']

Done! Accidental override of your private methods is nearly impossible now.

This code will throw now:

Password = Password.compose({ // THROWS!
methods: {
getPassword() { /* it's a mistake :-( */ },
setPassword() { /* it's a mistake :-( */ }

For more examples, see these unit tests.

Have fun with stamps!

