FWS. S2E2. Property order.

Vasyl Boroviak
2 min readAug 10, 2020


Fun With Stamps. Season 2 — Best practices. Episode 2 — Property order.

Hello. I’m developer Vasyl Boroviak and welcome to the second season, second episode of Vasyl Boroviak presents Fun with Stamps.

In this season of FWS mini-articles we are going to learn stamp Best Practices using the stampit npm module.

What’s the best ordering of the stamp parts?

TL;DR: order elements in the sequence of its execution.

Let’s start from an example. Please, read the comments.

The behaviouristic-utility stamp below counts the number of objects created from the stamp you compose it with.

// Firstly, other stamps/composables you want to mix with.
HasInstanceCounter = stampit(SomeStamp, AnotherStamp, {
// Then give it a runtime name.
name: "HasInstanceCounter",
// This line executed while this .js file is parsed and loaded.
conf: {
instanceCounter: 0
// This function is executed during composition, i.e.
// during HasInstanceCounter stamp creation.
composers({ stamp }) {
stamp.compose.configuration.instanceCounter = 0
props: {
// This property will be assigned to object instance right
// before the initialiser below.
instanceIndex: -1
// This is called during object creation.
init(_, { stamp }) {
this.instanceIndex = stamp.compose.configuration.instanceCounter
stamp.compose.configuration.instanceCounter += 1
methods: {
// Executed whenever you call this method.
getInstanceNumber() {
return this.instanceIndex
statics: {
// Call it when you need to know a total number of instances,
// MyStamp.getNumberOfInstances()
getNumberOfInstances() {
return this.compose.configuration.instanceCounter

Let’s shorten this down to the ordered list:

  • stamps you want to mix with (see above SomeStamp, AnotherStamp)
  • name
  • configuration (rarely used feature)
  • composers (rarely used feature)
  • properties
  • initializers
  • methods
  • statics (first — data properties, then — methods)

The rest of the episodes:

