A new kind of Art, a new potential opened for me, through Lucid Dreaming!

Korina Lymnioudi
6 min readNov 1, 2017


What I want to share with you today is really amazing!

Three nights ago, I went to bed with the usual intention to have a lucid dream.

You propably know that every lucid dreamer, asks “am I dreaming?” while doing some usual things though the day. For example If you ask every time that you wash your hands “Am I dreaming?” then at some point while in a dream, when your hands get in touch with water, you will trigger automatically the same question inside you and you are going to become lucid in the dream. So, thats the purpose of these little habits.

It seems I become lucid in a dream mostly when I touch any kind of water…propably because of this little habit of mine. You see, these little habits, help to program our subconscious mind.

So I was in a dream in front of a beautiful lake…and it was a very hot day…so I wanted to touch the water with my hands…As soon as I touched it, I became lucid.

I do not even know from where this idea came…but immediately I thought “ok…I want to see, to really see how the vibration, the frequency of inner transformation looks like.”

Immediately in front of me, over the lake…a butterfly appeared…it was an amazing phenomenon that words can not explain…

As I was lost in it’s beauty…my future self appeared again! She is so wonderful with her wings and everything!

She said “Make out of this a frequency painting…People will start their inner transformation, just by focusing on it”

“You must be kidding me! I have no idea how to paint!” I said shocked…

“Oh yes you can…and from now on you will be able to paint any frequency you feel at the moment you are painting just by putting on it your intention…”

“This is too much for me to believe” I said.

“Well, then try it with someone who has no idea about spiritual stuff…say to such a person to focus on the painting you will make and you will see the results!” she replied and she flied away.

So when I woke up, I decided to bring it in life…

I opened the digital painting program of GIMP…and I tried to paint it there…

I have to tell you that I had no idea what I was doing…I know nothing from digital painting…but in just half hour I created this…frequency digital painting…

And of course I wanted to do the test…

So I posted it on facebook…

I have a patient who is not into spiritual things…she even laughs at everything mystical, metaphysical or spiritual.

She liked the painting so she sent me a message that she wants to buy it and put it at her living room…and she added “Korina, I think I want to do the seminar that you were talking about…the one with the magic healing wand. When is going to happen again?”

I was shocked…she was laughing especially with this particular seminar till then.

The Lemurian Healing Wand Technique was received from Akashic Records and she knew that but not only she couldnt believe it…she was also laughing at it.

Now suddenly she wanted to learn how to heal the energy body with this specific technique?

“You used to laugh at it…why now you want to learn it?” I asked…

“I don’t know…When I was admiring your painting, I felt like If I have a mission…a mission to help people…to heal people…and I remembered of the wand tecnique…It doesnt seem strange to me anymore! Can you make a painting which will help on healing my relationship?” she said.

I was shocked! The test was succesful.

Later on, the same day, having her words in mind…and the intention of her healing her relationship, I painted another frequency painting…

This time the painting came in 2 forms…

I was more than sure that people who will like the first one, will be the persons who no matter how is their relationship, they still feel a tension, a stress about their partner which is not expressed.

The people who like the 2nd one, will be the people who feel calm about the relationship, even if the relationship is not good enough…because they have had expressed to their partner, what stresses them in the relationship.

But both paintings bring the same result…the healing of the relationship.

The design on the left works like an “absorbing” mechanism…

Absorbs all the negative qualities that come from the egoic self so it leaves the heart chakra on the right, open, clean and shinning, in order the relationship to flourish.

I knew that this patient of mine has a lot of stress in her about some things that her husband does but she cant admit it, not even to me.

So I asked her which painting she likes.

She liked the first one of course! (Test 2 done half way…as she never has admitted it)

After few hours she called me…

“Korina what is going on with this painting? As long as I see it…I start to realise that you were right when you told me that I have some coonflicts with my husband that I never expressed. So I told him some of them…but it was the first time that I managed to direct them to him, without being angry…I was so sweet while expressing those things to him, that not only he did not get angry, but he has shown a great understanding! This painting is a miracle! I want to buy this too!”

For me, knowing this patient lot of time…and seeing these huge differences on her…which usually she would have after at least one year of Homeopathy treatment…was enough to believe totally on these paintings.

But I did one more experiment.

I posted the paintings in one facebook group in which there are thousands of spiritual people…and asked what they thing is the frequency that comes out of them.

I was amazed and shocked to see that lot of people have given the right answer!!!

Right now I am preparing a seperate section on my website where I will sell these Frequency Paintings which are received in Lucid Dreams.

A new career? Not sure…but a new path, in the form of a totally new art was just created in front of me!

I am thinking of making also a book with those paintings bc it seems I receive at least one per day…it happens so fast!

So when enough paintings are ready, I am thinking of making a book just with those pictures, so everyone can have them at home and meditate on them, in order to achieve the reality he/she wants!

Isnt this great?

Check frequently my website in order to see the new paintings.

I update with one or more new paintings every day!


Isnt wornderful the world of Lucid Dreaming?

Just believe my friends…believe! And If you take any guidance inside a dream…just follow it…and you will see new worlds opening in front of you!!!

Promise! ❤

Love to you all! ❤

Do you like Lucid Dreaming stories? Then you are going to enjoy “The book that writes itself.

Dr. Korina Lymnioudi has studied and worked with dreaming, lucid dreaming, subconscious reprogramming, clinical hypnosis, Create Reality techniques. Has helped many people to re-create their reality and live their dream life. Her book “The book that writes itself — Magic Book (Part I)” teaches you among others, how to be a lucid dreamer through a fantasy & sci-fi story.



Korina Lymnioudi
Korina Lymnioudi

Written by Korina Lymnioudi

Medical & Holistic Doctor, Writer, Homeopathy, Lucid Dream Coaching, Life & Love coaching, Subconscious Reprogramming, Hypnosis, Change Reality Techniques.

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