Why the Presidency is for Adults and not for a Bad Actor like Donald Trump

Inside American Politics
Jun 12, 2024


Governing is a serious business, requiring serious people

Photo by Chris Boese on Unsplash

Politics are often scripted and almost look like something any actor could do, but in real life the events that occur on the President’s Oval Office desk are complex, influential, costly and most of all unpredictable and require excellent political and emphatic skills to manage them.

Donald Trump does not have any skills required for the job that he admires (for the wrong reasons).

Donald Trump demonstrated his lack of skills and interest during his presidency and this has costed the American people dearly. Remember how he “managed” the COVID crisis?

And how Trump handled the Press during his administration? Bullying journalists who asked though questions?

All signs of a weak man playing the role of President, but not really was the President.



Inside American Politics

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