What is a responsive organizational structure?

Leaders make leaders but attract customers.

Kory Family Hospitals
3 min readJun 10, 2020
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By Joy Wachiye.

One of the major organizational goals is to create an atmosphere for employee and customer responsiveness.

On one end the organization wants to create revenue. On the other end, it wants to create an environment that is conducive for its workers, and attractive to customers.

The problem comes in when the organization cannot merge the two.

How does a responsive organizational structure look?

1.Effective feedback system.

There should be room for feedback from the employees and customers using different feedback mechanisms.

As a leader use tools like a suggestion box, customer satisfaction questionnaires, among others, to work on improvement of performance as per either negative or positive feedback.

The organization should not embrace only positive feedback, for that is where competitors will capitalize on, to take advantage of your company.

Take negative feedback positively and work on it to increase the competitiveness of your organization.

2. Get rid of workplace hostility.


Employees are not a commodity to dispose of.

They are persons to be respected.

Be concerned with their welfare because they are prone to boredom and exhaustion.

As much as you want the best for your organization do not overlook their needs.

They need to feel secure being on job, enjoy their work, get enough rest, get rewards and motivation.

Do not appear only when they have made a mistake. Sometimes be available to check on their progress.

Appreciate them when they perform well and acknowledge their contribution to the company.

Employee satisfaction means customer satisfaction.An appreciated employee is smart working employee and a strength ,when it comes to customer responsiveness.

3. Partnership with key stakeholders.

Depending on the target of your market share an organization should identify key stakeholders in the coverage region and partner with them.

These are the key assets of your company.

They will inform you of potential competitors, how to challenge them, and attract many customers.

They will aid you in regional need analysis and identification of market gaps to help you improve service provision.

Community engagement, community mobilization and community development are important for the company to get in touch with potential customers and pull them to the company.

Community engagement is an organizational magnetic tool in the business world.

4. Employee development.

Here is the process;

a)develop a culture and a standard for service provision of your employees

b)know the type of employees you need.

c)make available employees be the kind you need for your company.

Provide services like on job training from specialized personnel, to help employees get new skills and improve on weak areas.

Develop employees skills to the extend that minus strict supervision they will work to the standard of the organization.

This will get rid of the effects of micromanagement and improve service provision for the company while making employees feel relevant to the company.

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Kory Family Hospitals

Kory family Hospital is a fast rising primary and secondary healthcare services provider with three facilities in Bungoma county, Kenya