the pansexual bookshelf: unpopular pan books i enjoyed

9 min readJun 12, 2024


a gradient pink-orange background with a stack of pink, yellow, and blue books in the center. next to it are pink, yellow, and blue rectangles with black text reading, “the pansexual bookshelf” and a white rectangle underneath both with black text reading, “unpopular books i enjoyed.”

back in december i shared my first “pansexual bookshelf” post, detailing books with pansexual/panromantic realization and/or coming out stories. this time, i’m talking about unpopular books with pansexual/panromantic representation that i enjoyed.

let’s just start with i don’t know what makes a book popular (for the sake of this article, i’m using popular to mean well-read, not necessarily well-liked), because how does one quantify popularity? even with judging by number of goodreads ratings (which is what i did), not every reader uses goodreads, and not all of those who do actually rate books. aside from that, at what number of ratings does a book become popular? or is it the number in comparison to the highest number of ratings a single book on goodreads has received? while 100 people is objectively a lot of people (just imagine them all squished into your living room), there are books on goodreads that have millions of ratings, so is 100 still a lot in that context?

i’ve decided against picking such a high number of ratings for my popularity threshold. for two reasons: one) it’d be unfair because i don’t think most books on goodreads in general reach those numbers and two) there are only a handful of pan books i’ve read and enjoyed that have hit 100,000 ratings, meaning every other pan book i’ve enjoyed would make this list. which is excessive. i could go round and round about this, but since i have to pick a number, i’m settling on 1,500. if a pan book (fiction with pansexual/panromantic representation or nonfiction about pansexuality/by a pansexual author) that i enjoyed (gave 4 or 5 stars) has under 1,500 goodreads ratings, i’ve considered it unpopular for this article.

disclaimer: while this list is actually books that i personally enjoyed and would recommend, previous and future lists aren’t necessarily personal recommendations, just books i’m aware of that fit various specifications.

a note for those who would like to know if a book has explicit sex scenes: such books are described in this list as “steamy.”

without further ado, the 36 books in descending order!

dream by garrett leigh (1,460 ratings)

a steamy adult contemporary romance between a queer man who is a debt advisor and a pansexual man who is a disabled former dancer. after a sexy anonymous encounter at a sex club, they’re thrust into each other lives, and well, it’s a romance, you get the idea.

touch of love by nicky james (1,409 ratings)

a hurt/comfort steamy adult contemporary romance between a nurse who is a touch-phobic pansexual man and a gay moving man/musician. this romance is a super supportive and healthy relationship full of communication.

all of the above by juno dawson (1,332 ratings)

a young adult contemporary story that is a quintessential teen story. you’ve got a new kid in school, love triangles, cliques, messiness, and the author described it as “an ode to pansexuality.” (do yourself a favor and google the cover of this book…pansexual excellence!) there are themes of belonging, friendship, first loves, discovering your sexuality, loss, and mental illness.

our bloody pearl by d.n. bryn (1,059 ratings)

an incredibly endearing and charming adult sci-fi story about a queerplatonic relationship between a disabled nonbinary aroace siren and a disabled panromantic asexual pirate. themes of hurt/comfort, found family, healing, adapting to new circumstances, and the cycle of pain and abuse.

continuum by chella man (996 ratings)

this nonfiction novella explores “cultivating self-acceptance and acting as one’s own representation” through the author’s lens of being a deaf, transgender, genderqueer, jewish person of color, and “shows us that identity lies on a continuum — a beautiful, messy, and ever-evolving road of exploration.”

deadpool: paws by stefan petrucha (838 ratings)

deadpool’s first full-length novel! featuring giant monster puppies! and the typical meta, forth wall breaking, deadpool humor we all know and love! as is this case with deadpool comics, this is an adult sci-fi story, and deapool is a pansexual character with chronic pain and depression.

all the things we do in the dark by saundra mitchell (866 ratings)

this young adult contemporary thriller centers a pansexual girl with ptsd trying to uncover what happened to a girl she found in the woods. the book is an exploration of trauma, rape culture, survival, and healing.

two-man team by amy aislin (768 ratings)

a sweat and steamy adult contemporary hockey romance between a gay man and a pansexual man! one wrongful arrest, a ruined team image, and a broken leg is a recipe for a delightful romance. if you like tropes, this book has you covered: best friend’s brother, grumpy/sunshine, hurt/comfort, forced proximity, only one bed, and (a slight) age gap.

candy hearts by erin mclellan (662 ratings)

a steamy valentine’s day adult contemporary romance between a gay man and a pansexual man, with a weekend getaway, power outage, meddling loved ones, and a healthy does of naughty times.

drag me up by r.m. virtues (788 ratings)

a steamy adult hades/persephone romance retelling, where hades is a casino owner and persephone is an aerial performer. he loves his solitude and she thinks he’s a myth. he’s demisexual, she’s pansexual, and they’re both black and transgender.

cute mutants vol. 1 by s.j. whitby (527 ratings)

a young adult superhero series full of disaster queer characters, seriously the entire cast is queer, with the main character being a genderfluid pansexual, trying their best to survive and maybe also save the world and make it a better place for queer people.

tears in the water by margherita scialla (544 ratings)

a new adult, college-set “character-driven, slice of life contemporary story of love and self-discovery.” a lovely romance, a thoughtful depiction of queerness, identity-questioning, and queer found family. the main character is nonbinary and pansexual.

six goodbyes we never said by candace ganger (468 ratings)

a young adult contemporary that isn’t a romance but is definitely a love story. it’s a story about “two teens who meet after tragedy and learn about love, loss, and letting go.” the lead girl is a multiply mentally ill fat, latinx, pansexual girl.

love letters for joy by melissa see (421 ratings)

a young adult contemporary romance novel following a 17-year-old panromantic asexual with cerebral palsy as she navigates working towards being valedictorian, her close friend’s unrequited feelings for her, and falling in love for the first time with her academic rival, a pansexual boy struggling with unsupportive parents and being outed.

deadpool: too soon? by joshua corin (399 ratings)

deadpool meets agatha christie? sort of. investigative deadpool trying to stop the murder of “marvel’s funniest characters.” top tier silly deadpool!

socks for an otter by posy roberts (380 ratings)

schitt’s creek fans take note! a riches to rags steamy adult contemporary romance, with a pansexual man main character dating a gay guy. lots of hurt/comfort, second chances, and what happens when men from different worlds come together.

soft on soft by mina waheed (368 ratings)

a soft (duh!) adult contemporary romance between a fat middle eastern/persian pansexual makeup artist and a fat black demisexual model/actress. very character driven, angst-free, and full of fluff.

bad at love by gabriela martins (367 ratings)

a young adult contemporary romance following a girl who, in order to make a name for herself as a journalist, pretends to date a rock star who is dating her to win a bet with his friends, you can imagine what follows. she’s brazilian american pansexual and he’s brazilian demisexual. it’s a very lighthearted, sweet story with themes of finding your place and voice and believing in yourself.

milestone by j. hayden bailey (295 ratings)

a steamy and sweet adult contemporary romance between a pansexual man who is struggling to keep his auto shop open (and gets adopted by a stray cat!) and the stranded gay man who ends up crashing on his couch and using his passion for flowers to help him stay in business.

out by tatum west and beau lake (229 ratings)

a steamy adult contemporary romance following a pansexual man navigating being a single father and gay man who hasn’t quite accepted his gayness as they become roommates and slowly fall in love.

the queen of dauphine street by thea de salle (226 ratings)

a steamy adult contemporary romance between a hot mess of a pansexual socialite and big hearted texan man, both of whom are dealing with trauma and addiction.

target by l.c. mawson (217 ratings)

an adult fantasy romance about an autistic pansexual demon royal banished to earth to keep humans from finding out about magic by keeping demons in check and the lesbian human detective she crosses paths with on cases.

love you like that by scarlett cole (200 ratings)

a steamy adult contemporary romance between a pansexual man rockstar and deaf woman percussionist going on tour. filled with a love of music and creating, commentary on ableism, and a romance so healthy and communicative it’s a delight to read.

dragon tamer by ophelia silk (133 ratings)

a steamy adult fantasy romance following a chaotic and strong woman who accidentally frees a sleeping (pansexual!) dragon and is kidnapped to his frozen castle, only he isn’t a cruel captor, he’s peace-loving and compassionate, and she’s lonely and quick to be charmed. a very sweet, delightful romance.

deadpool #20 by gerry duggan (122 ratings)

a truly lovely issue about deadpool saving a teenage girl about to commit suicide.

human enough by e.s. yu (120 ratings)

an adult fantasy romance between a chinese american, autistic pansexual man who hunts vampires and a grey asexual man who, you guessed it, is a vampire. this story has an interesting take on vampires, great commentary on ableism, and a heartwarming asexual discovery journey.

spider-man/deadpool by joshua corin (114 ratings)

if you like spideypool, you’ll love this issue. i mean, spiderman being deadpool’s heartmate? deadpool’s “hi spidey!” greetings? deadpool’s obsession with chimichangas? very cute all around.

blood island by tim waggoner (97 ratings)

this adult horror novella about a film crew who becomes the target of sharks (that can go on land!) that are controlled by an island-sized mass of cells that needs them to get it food. it’s a super weird, schlocky scifi, but incredibly entertaining. one of the main characters is pansexual woman.

the liar’s guide to the night sky by brianna r. shrum (89 ratings)

a young adult contemporary survival story, following a bisexual jewish girl as she goes on a family weekend in colorado and gets caught in a mudslide, faces off with a moose, and endures paralyzing temperatures. with her during this is an aromantic pansexual afro-latino boy, with whom she develops a wonderful friendship with.

vampirella/red sonja, vol. 1 by jordie bellaire (79 ratings)

this adult horror scifi volume of comics featuring the team up of pansexual vampirella and pansexual/bisexual red sonja is peak pansexuality. 10/10 definitely recommend.

risky witchness by saranna dewylde (56 ratings)

a steamy, silly, low stakes adult fantasy romance novella with a charming pansexual prince of hell who is accidentally summoned by a witch who is kind of down on her luck.

mr. march names the stars by ribka aaron-hughes (54 ratings)

an adult contemporary romance novella following a gay ace guy who’s misleading bio in a charity calendar leads him to being harassed by women and the pan ace trans man lawyer sent to fix the issue. of course they fall in love!

the image of deception by charlotte anne hamilton (33 ratings)

a new adult contemporary romance novella about two disabled women (one pansexual, one bisexual!) who find out the guy they’re dating is two-timing them and decide to team up for revenge.

different names for the same thing by gideon francis (23 ratings)

adult contemporary romance novella featuring a queer trans guy and a pansexual trans man who meet again and fall in love five years after a chance encounter in new york.

sexual liberty by chase tkach (17 ratings)

a short and to the point memoir of a pansexual sex worker, providing “brief, but informative, discussions of the government’s attack on sex workers’ families, the differences between decriminalization and legalization, and the safety measures erotic laborers enact with their clients.”

the fake date by trisha bradely (15 ratings)

a steamy adult contemporary romance following a woman fake dating a pansexual man at her mother’s wedding because her ex will be there. a well-balanced, lighthearted, feel-good romance between two people who are incredibly complementary.

happy reading! 📚 and stay tuned for the next installment of the pansexual bookshelf! 💖💛💙

