Open-Source | WSO2

How to install WSO2 Identity Server

Federated identity, authentication, and authorization for securing integrations.

Kosala Sananthana
5 min readOct 17, 2018

WSO2 Identity Server is open source and can be downloaded from WSO2 website for whatever purpose you might have for it. That could be a Proof of Concept, playing around with the product or even using it for production purposes. WSO2 Identity Server is a fully open source product and you do not have to pay anything.

WSO2 Identity Server, a part of the WSO2 Integration Agile Platform, is a uniquely flexible, open source IAM product optimized for identity federation and SSO with comprehensive support for adaptive and strong authentication. It helps identity administrators to federate identities, secure access to web/mobile applications and endpoints, and bridge versatile identity protocols across on-prem and cloud environments.

So let’s look at how to install WSO2 Identity Server and start the product after the installation process.

🖥 Prerequisites

WSO2 is an open source java product (with lots of Apache projects) and Java Development Kit (JDK) is necessary. At this moment (October 2018) WSO2 Identity Server run on Open Java 8 and WSO2 provide the Open JDK 8 package with in the WSO2 Identity Server product. Therefore you do not need to download and setup JDK in your environment if you have not already done so! If you have already setup the JDK in your environment, WSO2 Identity Server will use that JDK as default.

Recommended system requirements:

  • 3 GHz Dual-core Xeon/Opteron (or latest)
  • Minimum of 4 GB of disk space
  • Minimum of 2 GB of Internal memory (more is better but more than 8 GB is overkill)

WSO2 Identity Server support any operating system in your regular PC or a server and following sections will be discussed about the installation process of WSO2 Identity Server in different operating systems. For explanation purposes let’s look at WSO2 Identity Server 5.7.0 installation process. (Note : these installers are only available for WSO2 products that were released after October 2018).

📦 Ubuntu-x64 (Debian OS)

Using APT

  1. Add apt key.
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys "379CE192D401AB61"

2. Add the repository to the source list. (change “is_570” part in the following command to install a different version)

echo "deb is_570 release" | \
sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list

3. Install the package. (change “wso2is-5.7.0” part in the following command for install different version)

sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install wso2is-5.7.0

Using .deb installer file

  1. Download the WSO2 Identity Server installer (Debian Package) from the product installation web page by clicking on the Ubuntu tile or Debian package tile.
  2. Double click and open the Debian package using Ubuntu Software Center and start the installation process or run the following command to start the installation using a Terminal.
sudo dpkg -i wso2is-linux-installer-x64-5.7.0.deb


  • For Ubuntu operating system, WSO2 Identity Server product distribution will install to(CARBON_HOME)
  • To uninstall the product, run following command
sudo apt purge wso2is-5.7.0

📦 CentOS-x86_64 (RHEL)

Using YUM

  1. Download the repo file and save it in the yum repo directory.
wget -O bintray-wso2-rpm.reposudo mv bintray-wso2-rpm.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/

2. Update the yum repository and install WSO2 Identity Server.

yum updateyum install wso2is-5.7.0.x86_64

Using .rpm installer file

  1. Download the WSO2 Identity Server installer (RPM Package) from the product installation web page by clicking on the CentOS tile or RPM package tile.
  2. Run the following command to start the installation using a Terminal.
sudo rpm -ivh wso2is-linux-installer-x64-5.7.0.rpm


  • For CentOS, WSO2 Identity Server product distribution will install to (CARBON_HOME)
  • To uninstall the WSO2 Identity Server, run following command
sudo yum remove wso2is-5.7.0

📦 macOS-x64

Using BREW 🍺

  1. Follow these installation instructions to install Brew.
  2. Add the WSO2 repository as a tap if you have not already done so (this will enable you to download any WSO2 product through the Homebrew)
brew tap wso2/wso2

2. Install WSO2 Identity Server.

brew install wso2is-5.7.0

Using .pkg installer file

  1. Download the WSO2 Identity Server installer (PKG file) from the product installation web page by clicking on macOS tile.
  2. Then double click and open downloaded WSO2 product installer (.pkg file). Then install the WSO2 product using the user interface.


  • For macOS, WSO2 Identity Server product distribution will install to (CARBON_HOME)
  • To uninstall the WSO2 Identity Server, run following command
sudo bash /Library/WSO2/IdentityServer/5.7.0/

📦 Windows-x64

  1. Download the product installer (msi file) from product installation web page by clicking on Windows tile.
  2. Then double click and open the downloaded WSO2 product installer (msi file). Then install the WSO2 product using the user interface.


  • For Windows operating system, WSO2 Identity Server product distribution will install to (CARBON_HOME)
C:\Program Files\WSO2\Identity Server\5.7.0\
  • Click on the shortcut which is built for the installed product in Stat Menu => Programs => WSO2 => Uninstall Identity Server 5.7.0or search Uninstall Identity Server 5.7.0 and click on the shortcut and it will uninstall the product from the computer.

🎈Let’s Start WSO2 Identity Server !

For Ubuntu, CentOS and macOS

  • Run following command in the terminal to start the server.

For Windows

  • Click on the shortcut which is built for the installed product in Stat Menu => Programs => WSO2 => Identity Server 5.7.0 or search Identity Server 5.7.0 and click on the shortcut and it will start the product in new terminal.

Once the product starts, access the following URLs on your web browser using the credentials username: admin and password: admin.

Carbon console - https://localhost:9443/carbon

Please refer WSO2 Identity Server Documentation for more details and change the default configurations.



Kosala Sananthana

PhD Student @ AχL — Monash University | Former Senior Software Engineer @ WSO2 Inc. | Writer @ The Startup/Better Programming/Towards Data Science