Beyond the Horizon: The Promise of 6G in the Automotive Realm

AutoStream with Ronak Kosamia
3 min readOct 7, 2023


Photo by Rod Long on Unsplash

Hey tech trailblazers! 🌌 Just when we thought we had a grasp on 5G’s capabilities, the whispers of 6G began. It’s easy to see the relentless pace of innovation, especially in the automotive sphere, never hits the brakes. So, buckle up as we cruise through the envisioned world of 6G and its potential impact on our rides.

What’s in Store with 6G?

If you thought 5G was the pinnacle of wireless tech, brace yourselves — 6G is about to enter the scene, and it’s not just turning the page, but rewriting the book on digital communications! 📖✨

From Raw Speed to Smart Speed:
While 5G put the pedal to the metal in terms of raw data transfer speeds, 6G aims to be the wise elder. It’s not just about how fast data travels, but how smartly it’s utilized. We’re shifting from mere connectivity to hyper-intelligence.

Holographic Hangouts:
Remember when video calls were the coolest thing? 6G whispers promises of bringing science fiction to our living rooms. Think holographic communications. Imagine discussing vacation plans with a life-size hologram of your friend right in your lounge, or maybe even a virtual mechanic showcasing exactly where that pesky car noise is coming from! 🔧🔮

AI Everywhere:
6G won’t just be about connecting devices; it’s about embedding intelligence in them. Your car won’t just drive you; it might just compose a poem about the sunset you’re driving towards. (Okay, maybe that’s a stretch, but who knows? 🌅📜)

Merging Realities:
Virtual and augmented realities are fascinating, but with 6G, we’re looking at the fusion of these digital realms with our tangible world. Picture this: You’re driving, and your windshield doubles as an AR screen, pointing out landmarks, giving real-time weather updates, or maybe even flagging the best coffee shops around! ☕️🚗

The Matrix of Everything:
Beyond the Internet of Things (IoT), we’re heading towards the Internet of Everything (IoE). With 6G, expect a world where every device, every vehicle, every appliance is not just connected but also communicating, learning, and maybe even… feeling? Okay, perhaps not feeling (we’re not in a sci-fi movie… yet), but you get the drift.

True Autonomous Mobility

While 5G set the foundation for autonomous vehicles, 6G will push these boundaries further. Envision self-driving cars with onboard AI, learning and adapting in real-time, communicating through holographic interfaces, and making decisions based on a vast interconnected web of data sources.

Forget video calls; with the anticipated bandwidth of 6G, holographic communications could become a reality. Imagine troubleshooting your car’s issues with a mechanic holographically projected right in your garage or having a real-time holographic GPS system guiding you on the road!

Environmentally Aware and Adaptive Systems

6G could enable vehicles to be more in tune with their environment. Cars could adapt to weather conditions, traffic situations, and even the mood of the driver, ensuring optimal performance, safety, and comfort.

The Roadblocks Ahead

As thrilling as the prospects of 6G are, challenges loom. These range from developing the necessary infrastructure to addressing new layers of cybersecurity threats. Moreover, as technology becomes more integrated into our daily lives, questions about data privacy and ethical considerations will take center stage.


6G is more than just the next step after 5G; it’s a monumental leap towards a future where the lines between the digital and physical blur. For the automotive sector, it promises a journey where every ride is smarter, safer, and more seamlessly connected. So, as we steer into this exciting future, one thing’s for certain: the ride is bound to be exhilarating! 🚀



AutoStream with Ronak Kosamia

Skilled SoftwareDev with 10+ years experience building robust Mobile, web & cloud apps. Currently Tech Lead@GM focused on Android, iOS & cutting-edge tech.